Intelligent vehicles
Research Reports
| Active and Completed Projects
Research Reports
Generating Traffic Information from Connected Vehicle V2V Basic Safety Messages
March 2021, MnDOT 2021-08
Challenges and opportunities of autonomous vehicles to
urban planning: Investigation into transit and parking
October 2019, CTS 19-30
Planning for Disruption: Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
September 2019, CTS 19-28
Non-linear spacing policy and network analysis for shared-road platooning
August 2019, CTS 19-27
Improving intersection safety through variable speed limits for connected vehicles
May 2019, CTS 19-12
Test and Evaluate a Bluetooth Based In-Vehicle Message System to Alert Motorists in Work Zones
May 2019, CTS 19-09
Weigh-in-Motion Sensor and Controller Operation and Performance Comparison
January 2018, MnDOT 2018-03
A Pilot Study on Mitigating Run-Off-Road Crashes
July 2013, CTS 13-23
A Prototype System for Chemical Hydrogen Generation and Storage for Operating ITS Devices
April 2013, CTS 13-11
Analysis of Single Frequency, Carrier Phase Based GPS Positioning Performance and Sensor Aiding Requirements
January 2013, CTS 13-01
Inexpensive 2D Optical Sensor for GPS Augmentation
December 2012, CTS 12-37
Integrated Approach for Nonintrusive Detection of Driver Drowsiness
October 2012, CTS 12-32
Ultra Reliable Detection of Imminent Collision for Enhanced Occupant Safety
May 2012, CTS 12-07
Connected Vehicles Program: Driver Performance and Distraction Evaluation for In-vehicle Signing
March 2012, CTS 12-05
Field Testing and Evaluation of a Wireless-Based Transit Signal Priority System
October 2011, CTS 11-25
Enhancement and Field Test Evaluation of New Battery-Less Wireless Traffic Sensors
October 2011, CTS 11-22
A High Accuracy Vehicle Positioning System Implemented in a Lane Assistance System when GPS Is Unavailable
July 2011, CTS 11-18
Dual Frequency, Carrier Phase Differential GPS Augmentation
May 2011, CTS 11-09
Analysis of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Concept of Operations
in ITS Applications
March 2011, CTS 11-06
Snow Rendering for Interactive Snowplow Simulation -
Supporting Safety in Snowplow Design (February 2011)
February 2011, CTS 11-04
Development of a Low-Cost Interface between Cell Phone and DSRC-Based Vehicle Unit for Efficient Use of IntelliDriveSM Infrastructure
November 2010, CTS 10-14
Estimating Running Time and Demand for a Bus Rapid Transit
December 2009, CTS 09-24
Automatic Detection of RWIS Sensor Malfunctions (Phase II)
March 2009, CTS 09-11
Automatic Detection of RWIS Sensor Malfunctions (Phase I)
March 2009, CTS 09-10
Impending Box Impact Warning System for Prevention of Snowplow-Bridge Impacts: A Final Report of Investigations
February 2009, CTS 09-08
The Effect of Sleep Deprivation on Driving Performance
January 2009, CTS 09-03
Development of Real-Time Traffic Adaptive Crash Reduction Measures for the Westbound I-94/35W Commons Section
December 2008, CTS 08-28
RPV/UAV Surveillance for Transportation Management and Security
December 2008, CTS 08-27
A Bus Signal Priority System Using Automatic Vehicle Location / Global Position Systems and Wireless Communication Systems
December 2008, CTS 08-18
Accident Prevention Based on Automatic Detection of Accident Prone Traffic Conditions: Phase I
September 2008, CTS 08-12
Fleet Asset Life Cycle Costing with Intelligent Vehicles
August 2008, CTS 08-13
Integration of Infrared Imaging for a Head Up Display Lane Keeping and Collision Avoidance System
June 2008, CTS 08-09
Advanced BRT Volume II: Innovative Technologies for Dedicated Roadways
June 2008, CTS 08-07
Advanced BRT Volume I: Innovative Technologies for Dedicated Roadways
March 2008, CTS 08-06
Developing Driving Support Systems to Mitigate Behavioral Risk Patterns Among Teen Drivers
August 2007, CTS 07-05
Quick Edge: Rapid Underbody Plow Cutting Edge Changing System
July 2006, Mn/DOT 2006-19
Improving the Ability of Drivers to Avoid Collisions With Snowplows in Fog and Snow
July 2006, Mn/DOT 2006-29
Development of a Novel Tilt-Controlled Narrow Commuter Vehicle
May 2006, CTS 06-05
Driver Assistive Systems for Rural Applications: A Path to Deployment, Volume 1
August 2005, Mn/DOT 2005-30
Driver Assistive Systems for Rural Applications: Digital Mapping of Roads for Lane Departure Warnings, Volume 2
August 2005, Mn/DOT 2005-31
Adaptive Cruise Control System Design And Its Impact on Traffic Flow
May 2005, CTS 05-01
DGPS-Based Gang Plowing
April 2005, Mn/DOT 2005-18
Bus Rapid Transit Technologies: A Virtual Mirror for Eliminating Vehicle Blind Zones, Volume 2
January 2005, CTS 04-12
Bus Rapid Transit Technologies: Assisting Drivers Operating Buses on Road Shoulders, Volume 1
January 2005, CTS 04-12
GPS Based Real-Time Tire-Road Friction Coefficient Identification
September 2004, MnDOT 2005-04
System Performance and Human Factors Evaluation of the Driver Assistive System (DAS)
December 2003, MnDOT 2004-09
Evaluation Report Volume 1: System Performance and Human Factors
November 2003, MnDOT 2004-07
Evaluation Report Volume 2: Benefit Analysis
November 2003, MnDOT 2004-08
System Performance and Human Factors Evaluation of the Driver Assistive System (DAS): Supplemental Track Test Evaluation
November 2003, MnDOT 2004-12
A New Approach to Assessing Road User Charges: Evaluation of Core Technologies
September 2003, MnDOT 2003-38
The Effectiveness of Auditory Side- and Forward Collision Avoidance Warnings on Snow Covered Roads in Conditions of Poor Visibility
June 2003, Mn/DOT 2003-14
Driver Assistive Systems for Snowplows
March 2003, MnDOT 2003-13
Fault Diagnostics for Intelligent Vehicle Applications
May 2001, Mn/DOT 2001-20
A GPS Based Heads Up Display System for Driving Under Low Visibility Conditions
January 2000, Mn/DOT 2003-03
Radar Based Longitudinal Virtual Bumper Collision Avoidance System Implemented on a Truck
March 1999, Mn/DOT 2000-07
Differential GPS Based Control of a Heavy Vehicle
January 1999, Mn/DOT 2000-05
Evaluation of Radar for Snowplows: Initial Results
April 1998, MnDOT 1999-09
SAFETRUCK: Sensing and Control to Enhance Vehicle Safety
December 1997, Mn/DOT 1998-29
The Virtual Bumper: A Control Based Collision Avoidance System for Highway Vehicles
October 1997, Mn/DOT 1998-30
Magnetic lateral indication system evaluation
January 1997, MnDOT 1997-02U
A Lateral Dynamic Model of a Tractor-Trailer: Experimental Validation
November 1996, Mn/DOT 1997-18
Vehicle Navigation and Localization Using Multiple Navigational Aids: Final Report
October 1996, Mn/DOT P98-4
Analysis of a differential global positioning system as a sensor for vehicle guidance
August 1996, Mn/DOT 1997-17
Dynamics and Stability of Capsules in Pipeline Transportation
May 1996, Mn/DOT 1996-17
Multimedia information presentation in smart cars and highways
June 1995, Mn/DOT 1995-25
Report on programmatic evaluation at the Human Factors Research Laboratory
March 1995, Mn/DOT 1995-13
Autonomous Vehicle Guidance Evaluation
March 1995, Mn/DOT 1995-12
Human Factors Aspects of the Genesis Program
January 1995, Mn/DOT 1995-02
Active and Completed Projects
Generating Traffic Information from Connected Vehicle V2V Basic Safety Messages
Non-linear spacing policy and network analysis for shared-road platooning
The Road Towards Equity in the Twin Cities: Envisioning the future of Vehicle Automation, Job Access and Equity in the 21st Century
Examining the challenges and opportunities of autonomous vehicles to urban planning
Improving intersection safety through variable speed limits for connected vehicles
Test and Evaluate a Bluetooth Based In-Vehicle Message System to Alert Motorists in Work Zones
Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) Sensor and Controller Operation and Performance Comparison
Building Expertise for Connected Vehicle Safety Applications
Driver Assist System Pilot for Minnesota Snowplows
SmartDrive: A Cleaner and More Efficient Traffic System through Network Vehicles and Infrastructure
Mitigating Run-Off-Road Crashes: Multimodal Interventions
A Prototype System for Chemical Hydrogen Generation and Storage for Operating ITS Devices - FY12 NATSRL
Intellidrive for Safety, Mobility, and User Fee Project: Driver Performance and Distraction Evaluation
Integrated Approach for Nonintrusive Detection of Driver Drowsiness - FY11 NATSRL
Using Velocity Constraints to Enhance Carrier Phase GPS Robustness
Inexpensive 2-D Optical Sensor for DGPS Augmentation
MRI-R2: Development of a Precise and High Speed Hydrostatic Dynamometer System for Research and Education in Automotive Propulsion Systems
An Evaluation of a Prototype Safe Teen Car
Ultra Reliable Detection of Imminent Collision for Enhanced Passenger Safety
Bus Signal Priority Based on GPS and Wireless Communications (Phase III) - Bus to Roadside Infrastructure Communications Framework for Intelligent Transit Applications
Mining Bus Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) and Automatic Passenger Count (APC) Database for Intelligent Transit Applications
Development of a Low-Cost Interface between Cell Phones and DSRC-based Vehicle Unit for Efficient Use of VII Infrastructure - FY09 NATSRL
Analysis of Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles ITS Concept of Operations
Technology for Transit: Lane Guidance for Shoulder-running Buses
Guidance Augmentation using VPS for Transit Applications: Year 2 of 2
Enhancement and Field Test Evaluation of New Battery-Less Wireless Traffic Sensors
GPS Augmentation for Robust Lane Assistance on Cedar Avenue in Support of the Urban Partnership Agreement
Snow Rendering for Interactive Snowplow Simulation - Supporting Safety in Snowplow Design - FY08 NATSRL
Estimating Running Time and Demand for a Bus Rapid Transit Corridor
Impending Box Impact Warning System for Prevention of Snowplow-Bridge Impacts - FY07 NATSRL
Development of Real-Time Traffic Adaptive Crash Reduction Measures for the Westbound I-94/35W Commons Section
Improving the Ability of Drivers to Avoid Collision with Snowplows in Fog and Snow
Bus Signal Priority on GPS and Wireless Communications - Phase II
ROV Surveillance for Transportation Management and Security
Bus Signal Priority Based on GPS and Wireless Communications
Fleet Asset Life Cycle Costing with Intelligent Vehicles - FY05 NATSRL
Quick Edge: Rapid Underbody Plow Cutting Edge Changing System
Infrared Sensing for Driver Assistive Systems
In Vehicle Driver Assistance for Teenagers
Optimal Secondary Controls Using a Configurable Haptic Interface
Accident Prevention Based on Automatic Detection of Accident Prone Traffic Conditions Phase I
Gang Plowing Using DGPS
Advanced BRT: Innovative Technologies for Dedicated Roadways
GPS Based Real-Time Identification of Tire-Road Friction Coefficient
Fatigue Detection: Can Fatigue Detection Devices Predict the Driving Performance of Sleep-Deprived Drivers?
Driver Assistive Systems for Rural Applications: A Path to Deployment
Influence of Wayfinding while Driving on Vehicle Control
Bus Rapid Transit Technologies: Assisting Drivers Operating Buses on Road Shoulders
Lateral Stability of a Narrow Commuter Vehicle
Automated Vehicle Control Algorithms and their Influence on Traffic
Intelligent Ground Vehicles Competition Evaluation: Phase I
Driver Assistive Systems for Snowplows
User - Centered Auditory Warning Signals in Snowplows
Snowplow Simulator
United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) Intelligent Vehicle Initiative (IVI) specialty Vehicle Field Operational Test
GPS-Based Failure Identification System for Intelligent Vehicles
Snowplow Technology Integration for Driver Assistance
Model-Based Intelligent Vehicle Control System
Software Issues in Critical Transportation Systems
Using ACC Vehicles to Control Traffic Flow on Semi-Autonomous Highways
Improving Driver Visibility Using Heads Up Displays and Vehicle Location Systems
SAFETRUCK: Preventive Run-off-the-Road Accidents and Collisions
Human Factors Evaluation of Etak/Delco's In-Vehicle Navigation System
Evaluation of Radar for Snowplows
Vehicle Following (Platooning) Using CCD Cameras - Phase II
Rollover Protection and Wheelchair Securement: Assessment
SAFETRUCK: Sensing and Control to Enhance Vehicle Safety
Magnetic Lateral Indication System Evaluation
Agent-based Distraction-free Interfaces: Investigation
Genesis- Human Factors of Message Formats and In-Vehicle Devices
The Influence of Rural Road Quality on Vehicle Operating Costs
Sensing and Control to Enhance the Safety of Large Vehicles: GPS
Vehicle Navigation and Localization using Multiple Navigation Aids
Vehicle Following (Platooning) Using CCD Cameras - Phase I
A SemiTractor-Trailer Testbed for the Investigation of Guidance
Dynamics and Stability of Capsules in Pipeline Transportation