For selected studies, CTS publishes research briefs or summaries to highlight policy and other implications of the research. We also publish summaries and proceedings of selected conferences, workshops, and other events sponsored or facilitated by CTS.
CTS Research Briefs and Summaries
- The Grand Iron Range CAV Initiative: History, Partnerships, and Community Engagement (PDF) (2024)
- The Grand Iron Range CAV Initiative: Envisioning Mobility Hubs for Rural City AV Shuttles (PDF) (2024)
- Turning Point: Shared Automated Vehicles Could Make Cities More Livable, Equitable (2022)
- A Path Forward for Distance-Based User Fees (PDF) (2022)
- A Vision for Future Streets: Leveraging AVs for Greater Health, Equity, Livability, and Prosperity (PDF) (2022)
- Fostering Social Equity with Automated Vehicles (PDF) (2022)
- The ABC Parking Ramps in Minneapolis: A Unique Past. A Visionary Future. (PDF) (2019)
- Linking the Unemployed to Jobs: Integrated Transit Planning and Workforce Development (PDF) (2016)
- Student pass program provides educational, economic, and societal benefits (PDF) (2016)
- Daynamica: A Smartphone Solution for Collecting and Processing Travel Behavior Data (PDF) (2015)
- Spurring Private-Sector Development Along Transit Corridors (PDF) (2013)
- Research Summary: Maximizing the Benefits of Transitway Investment (PDF) (2012)
For research briefs published prior to 2012, browse CTS's collection in the University of Minnesota's Digital Conservancy.
Transitway Impacts Research Program (TIRP) Research Briefs
- Impacts of Highway and Transitway Construction on Nearby Businesses (2023)
- A Toolkit for Community Engagement in Transitway Planning (PDF) (2021)
- Transitway Buildout Improves Accessibility to Nonwork Destinations (PDF) (2021)
- Transitway Impacts on Nearby Roads; Park-and-Ride Choices (PDF) (2021)
- Transitway Investment: Higher GDP, Job Growth, and Accessibility (PDF) (2020)
- Maximizing the benefits of transitways in areas of concentrated poverty (PDF) (2019)
- Can better connections increase transitway ridership? (PDF) (2019)
- METRO A Line increases transit capacity and ridership without slowing traffic (PDF) (2019)
- Strategies for Achieving Transit-Oriented Development (PDF) (2018)
- Walking Tolerance of Transitway Park-and-Ride Users (PDF) (2017)
Transportation Policy and Economic Competitiveness (TPEC) Program Research Briefs
- Electric Vehicle Fees: What Factors Prompt States to Adopt Them? (2024)
- Medical Device Industry Cluster in Greater Minnesota: Spatial Impacts and Illustrative Case Study (2024)
- Alternative Revenue Mechanisms for the Roadway System (2024)
- Motorization Trends in Minnesota: 1980–2021 (2023)
- Connected and Automated Vehicles: Accessibility for the Twin Cities East Metro (2022)
- Minnesota Transportation Funding Redistribution: 2015-2020 (PDF) (2022)
- Connected and Automated Vehicles: Opportunity for Equity, Accessibility, and Safety (PDF) (2020)
- Minnesota Roadway Funding: Where Does it Come From and Where Does it Go? (PDF) (2020)
- Connected and Automated Vehicles: Opportunity for Safety, Accessibility, and Equity (PDF) (2019)
- Blockchain: A Disruptive Technology for Transportation? (PDF) (2019)
- Minnesota Transportation Finance Database: Visualization Tool Enables Access and Usage (PDF) (2019)
- Minnesota’s Booming Medical Sector Relies on Airports (PDF) (2019)
- Minnesota’s Motorization Trends Reshape Roadway Funding (PDF) (2019)
- Minnesota Transportation Funding: How Are Federal and State Funds Redistributed? (PDF) (2019)
Event Summaries and Proceedings
Workshop Summary: Using Transportation Rights-of-way for Electrical Transmission
November 2024
With rising energy demand from transportation electrification and other sectors, highway rights-of-way (ROW) offer a promising solution for future transmission. At recent University of Minnesota workshop, CTS and partners assessed ROW potential and progress, and explored further research opportunities.
PFAS Forum: Cleanup and Upcoming Regulations (PDF)
April 5, 2022
This event convened environmental experts, state and federal regulatory officials, and airport managers to discuss how best to transition away from PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances).
Strategic Visioning Workshop for Automated Vehicles (PDF)
June 25–26, 2018
This strategic visioning workshop helped to define a framework for deploying automated vehicle technologies in Minnesota.
Minnesota Volunteer Driver Program Forum: A Summary Report (PDF)
May 9, 2018
This forum brought together individuals running volunteer driver programs and other stakeholders, providing attendees with the opportunity to share information to help maintain and strengthen these programs.
Symposium on the Sharing Economy Public Forum Summary Report (PDF)
May 17, 2016
With a focus on shared mobility, this event explored the promise—and potential perils—of the sharing economy.
Freight and Logistics Symposium
This annual symposium brings together the private sector and government to discuss current issues in the freight and logistics industry.
- 2019 Symposium Topical Summaries: Natural Disaster Disruption in the Freight System
- 2018 Symposium Proceedings: Freight and Cybersecurity (PDF)
- 2017 Symposium Proceedings: The Integral Role of Freight in the On-Demand Revolution (PDF)
- 2016 Symposium Proceedings: Supply-Chain and Freight Challenges and Opportunities in a Changing Public and Private Environment (PDF)
- 2015 Symposium Proceedings: Thinking Globally, Acting Locally—Leveraging Minnesota’s Strengths to Confront Future Freight and Logistics Challenges (PDF)
For older event summaries, browse CTS's collection in the University of Minnesota's Digital Conservancy.