Rural Transportation
Research Reports
| Active and Completed Projects
Research Reports
Pedestrian Risk on Anishinaabe Reservations in Minnesota: Overview and Phase 2 Results
June 2024, MnDOT 2024-18
Designing an Autonomous Service to Cover Transit's Last Mile in Low-Density Areas
March 2024, MnDOT 2024-06
Rural Community Transit Strategies: Building on, Expanding, and Enhancing Existing Assets and Programs
February 2023, MnDOT 2023-08
Pedestrian Crossings and Safety on Four Anishinaabe Reservations in Minnesota
November 2020, MnDOT 2020-29
Local Contributions to State and Regional Transportation Facilities in Minnesota
May 2020, MnDOT 2020-12
Scenarios and Justification for Automated Vehicle Demonstration in Rural Minnesota
June 2019, CTS 19-18
Identifying the Opportunities and Obstacles of Connected and Automated Vehicles in Rural Minnesota: Community Engagement in Greater Minnesota
June 2019, TPEC 2019-02
Rural Intersection Conflict Warning System Evaluation and Design Investigation
May 2018, CTS 18-10
In-Vehicle Dynamic Curve-Speed Warnings at High-Risk Rural Curves
March 2018, MnDOT 2018-12
Expanding the Adoption on Private Lands: Blowing-and- Drifting Snow Control Treatments and the Cost Effectiveness of Permanent versus Non-Permanent Treatment Options
November 2017, MnDOT 2017-42
Transportation Investment and Economic Development in Minnesota Counties
April 2015, MnDOT 2015-12
Minnesota Department of Transportation Rural Intersection Conflict Warning System (RICWS) Reliability Evaluation
June 2014, CTS 14-07
Options for Automated Speed Enforcement Pilot Projects in Minnesota Work and School Zones
May 2014, CTS 14-06
Advanced LED Warning System for Rural Intersections: Phase
2 (ALERT-2)
February 2014, MnDOT 2014-10
Mitigating Highway Construction Impacts Through the Use of
May 2013, MnDOT 2013-13
The Vehicle Speed Impacts of a Dynamic Horizontal Curve
Warning Sign on Low-Volume Local Roadways
May 2012, CTS 12-12
Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance System -- Stop Sign Assist: Experiments to Validate Use of an In-Vehicle Interface Design
April 2012, CTS 12-09
In-Vehicle Decision Support to Reduce Crashes at Rural Thru-Stop Intersections
August 2011, CTS 11-17
Advanced LED Warning Signs for Rural Intersections Powered
by Renewable Energy
December 2010, Mn/DOT 2011-04
Application of a Rural Safety Policy Improvement Index
(RSPII) Framework
June 2010, CTS 10-07
Development of Flexural Vibration Inspection Techniques to
Rapidly Assess the Structural Health of Rural Bridge Systems:
Phase II
December 2009, MnDOT 2009-40
Feasibility of a Quantitative Rural Safety Policy Improvement Index (RSPII): Phase I
May 2009, CTS 09-14
Five-County Minnesota Case Study: Rural Roadway Fatal Crash Characteristics and Select Safety Improvement Programs
December 2008, CTS 08-03
Overview of Rural Intersection Crashes at Candidate Intersections for the Intersection Decision Support (IDS) System
November 2008, Mn/DOT 2008-53
Review of California's Rural Intersection Crashes: Application of Methodology for Identifying Intersections for Intersection Decision Support (IDS)
October 2008, Mn/DOT 2008-52
Generational Perspective on Teen and Older Drivers on Traffic Safety in Rural and Urban Communities
September 2008, Mn/DOT 2008-36
Rural Transportation Safety and the Strategic Highway Safety Plan: An Examination of Select State Programs and Practices
February 2008, CTS 08-02
Benefit-Cost Analysis for Intersection Decision Support
October 2007, Mn/DOT 2007-32
Intersection Decision Support: An Overview
September 2007, Mn/DOT 2007-33
Intersection Decision Support Surveillance System: Design, Performance and Initial Driver Behavior Quantization
August 2007, Mn/DOT 2007-30
A Simulator-Based Evaluation of Smart Infrastructure Concepts for Intersection Decision Support for Rural Thru-STOP Intersections
August 2007, Mn/DOT 2007-31
Appendices to Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Minnesota Speed Management Program
May 2007, MnDOT 2007-21A
Review of Wisconsin's Rural Intersection Crashes: Application of Methodology for Identifying Intersections for Intersection Decision Support (IDS)
April 2006, Mn/DOT 2006-10
Review of Minnesota's Rural Intersection Crashes: Methodology for Identifying Intersections for Intersection Decision Support (IDS)
March 2004, Mn/DOT 2004-31
The Economic Impact of Rural Bypasses : Iowa and Minnesota Case Studies
June 1993, 1993 Bypasses
Rural Roads, Investment and Disinvestment in a Minnesota County
October 1992, Mn/DOT P92-25
How Much Transportation Infrastructure Does Rural America Need?
April 1992, P92-8
Techniques for Rural Transit Service Design
August 1991, MPC Report
A Guide to Transportation Modeling Using TRANPLAN for Computer Simulation of Strategies for Managing the Rural Road Infrastructure
June 1991, 1991 TRANPLAN
Active and Completed Projects
Use of MnCORS to Support AV Operations in Rural Minnesota
Rural Intersection Enhancement and Driver Behavior Study
Rural Mobility and Access: Leveraging Big Data Analytics and Context-Aware Computing
Rural Intersection Safety for Autonomous and Connected Vehicles
Autonomous Vehicle Challenges for the US Rural Midwest
Western Minnesota Contactless Payment Project
Rural Community Transit Strategies
Designing an autonomous service to cover transit last mile in low-density areas
Understanding Pedestrian Behavior and Safety in Rural Communities
Transit Program Allocation: Experiences across State and Recommendations for Minnesota
Evaluating the Impact of Local Expenditures on State and Regional Transportation Facilities
Scenarios and Justification for Automated Vehicle Demonstration in Rural Minnesota
Examining Optimal Sight Distances at Rural Intersections
Understanding Pedestrian Travel Behavior and Safety in Rural Settings
In-vehicle Dynamic Curve Speed Warnings At High Risk Rural Curves
RICWS Evaluation and Design Investigation
Expanding the Adoption on Private Lands: Blowing and Drifting Snow Control Treatments and the Cost Effectiveness of Permanent versus Non-Permanent Treatment Options.
Transportation Investment and Economic Development in Minnesota Counties
Rural Intersection Conflict Warning System (RICWS) Reliability Evaluation
Investigating Deployment Potential for Automated Speed Enforcement in Minnesota
Minnesota Field Test of CrashHelp
Advanced LED Warning Signs for Rural Intersections Powered by Renewable Energy (ALERT System): Phase II
How Do We Keep People on Rural Transit After the Construction Project Ends?
Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance System (CICAS) -Stop Sign Assist: Field Operational Test, ABA Study, and Vehicle Infrastructure Study Conclusion
Itasca County Area Transportation Study, Phase II
National Rural Road Safety Public Opinion Survey
Itasca County Area Transportation Study
In-Vehicle Decision Support to Reduce Crashes at Rural Thru-Stop Intersections
Minnesota Horizontal Curve Safety Improvement Project
Rural Intersection Collision Avoidance System (RICAS) Design, Integration and Project Management Services
Assessment of Centerline Rumble Strips in Minnesota
Advanced Dynamic LED Warning Signs for Rural Intersections Powered By Renewable Energy
Investigation of Policy-Based Statewide Safety Measure Quantification
Generational Perspectives on Teen and Older Drivers on Traffic Safety in Rural and Urban Communities
Development of Flexural Vibration Inspection Equipment and Techniques to Rapidly Assess the Structural Health of Rural Bridge Systems; Phase II
Rural Safety, Health, and Emergency Response
Investigating Rural Safety: A Minnesota Case Study
Center for Excellence in Rural Safety (CERS)
Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Minnesota Speed Management Program
Rural and Urban Safety Cultures
Toward A Multi-State Consensus on Rural Intersection Decision Support
Guidelines for Using Rumble Strips
Reducing Crashes at Controlled Rural Intersections