Research implementation
Research Reports
| Active and Completed Projects
Research Reports
Multi-city study of an engineering and outreach program to increase driver yielding at signalized and unsignalized crosswalks
March 2023, MnDOT 2023-11
Detecting Foundation Pile Length of High-Mast Light Towers
August 2022, MnDOT 2022-28
Integrate RTMC Vehicle Classification into the Current Detector Volume Data
November 2020, MnDOT 2020-31
Disc shaped compact tension (DCT) specifications development for asphalt pavement
June 2019, MnDOT 2019-24
Advancing Transportation Equity: Research and Practice
February 2019, CTS 19-08
Motorization Trends in Minnesota (2019)
February 2019, TPEC-MTFD-R1-2019
Understanding Roadway Safety in American Indian Reservations: Perceptions and Management of Risk by Community, Tribal Governments, and Other Safety Leaders
October 2018, CTS 18-20
Rural Intersection Conflict Warning System Evaluation and Design Investigation
May 2018, CTS 18-10
A Tool for Designing MnPASS Access Spacing
March 2018, MnDOT 2018-11
Computerized Crash Reports Usability and Design Investigation
June 2016, CTS 16-06
New methods for identifying roadway safety priorities in American Indian reservations (TRB webinar presentation and handouts)
February 2016, 2015031 presentation
Three-Dimensional Simulation of Bridge Foundation Scour on Mississippi River Bridges 9321 & 27801
February 2016, CTS 16-03
Developing Salt-Tolerant Sod Mixtures for Use as Roadside
Turf in Minnesota
December 2014, MnDOT 2014-46
Development and Evaluation of Effective Turbidity Monitoring Methods for Construction Projects
July 2014, MnDOT 2014-24
Complete Streets from Policy to Project The Planning and Implementation of Complete Streets at Multiple Scales
December 2013, MnDOT 2013-30
Performance-Based Measurement of Optimum Moisture
for Soil Compaction
November 2013, MnDOT 2013-28
Video Detection and Classification of Pedestrian Events at
Roundabouts and Crosswalks
August 2013, CTS 13-27
Improving Freeway Traffic Speed Estimation Using High-Resolution Loop Detector Data
April 2013, CTS 13-21
A Prototype System for Chemical Hydrogen Generation and Storage for Operating ITS Devices
April 2013, CTS 13-11
Friction Measurement System for Hennepin County
January 2013, CTS 13-03T
Inexpensive 2D Optical Sensor for GPS Augmentation
December 2012, CTS 12-37
Leveraging Socially Networked Mobile ICT Platforms for the Last-Mile Delivery Problem
August 2012, 10.1021/es301302k
Estimating and Measuring Arterial Travel Time and Delay
August 2012, CTS 12-20
ITS Personal Data Needs: How Much Do We Really Need to Know?
July 2012, CTS 12-21
Performance Analysis of Squad Car Lighting, Retro-reflective
Markings, and Paint Treatments to Improve Safety at Roadside
Traffic Stops
May 2012, CTS 12-13
Mileage-Based User Fee Policy Study: Supporting Technical Information
April 2012, MnDOT 2012-11
Snow Rendering for Interactive Snowplow Simulation - Supporting Safety in Snowplow Design (October 2011)
October 2011, CTS 11-23
Active and Completed Projects
Snowplow Driver Assist System Implementation Plan
U of M Snow Control Web Tools: Maintenance & Administration, FY22-23
Pedestrian Engineering and Enforcement at Signalized Intersections
Integrate RTMC Vehicle Length Classification to the Current Detector Volume Database
Detecting Pile Length of Sign Structures and High Mast Poles
Advancing Transportation Equity Research & Literature/Program Review
Develop a Tool to Determine MnPASS Access Spacing
RICWS Evaluation and Design Investigation
Development of a Controlled-Trajectory Rapid Compression and Expansion Machine to Enable Fundamental Research on the Internal Combustion Engine
Disc Shaped Compact Tension (DCT) Specifications Development for Asphalt Pavement
Collaborating with American Indian Communities to Re-Interpret and Strategize About Transportation Safety Risks in Tribal Lands
High Fidelity Simulation of Bridge Foundation Scour at the Mississippi River Bridge, Bridge No. 9321
Computerized Crash Reports Usability and Design Investigation
Implementation of a Low-Cost Weigh-in-Motion System
Complete Streets Guidance Document
Field Implementation, Testing, and Refinement of Density Based Coordinated Ramp Control Strategy
Performance Based Measurement of Optimum Moisture for Soil Compaction
Planning and Implementation of Complete Streets at Multiple Scales
Video Detection and Classification of Pedestrian Events at Roundabouts and Crosswalks
Limited Deployment of Friction Measurement and Applicator Control Systems for Winter Road Maintenance
Field Study of Driver Behavior at Flashing Yellow Arrow vs Green Ball Permitted Left-Turn Indications
A Prototype System for Chemical Hydrogen Generation and Storage for Operating ITS Devices - FY12 NATSRL
Improving Freeway Traffic Speed Estimation Using High Resolution Loop Detector Data
Development and Evaluation of Effective Turbidity Monitoring Methods for Construction Projects
Decarbonising the "Last Mile": Leveraging Social Media and Mobile ICT to Mitigate the Carbon Footprint of Online Shopping
Advancing Transportation Research via Sensing, Control, and Visualization
LRRB Workshop: Shaping Research on Systems Planning for Local Roads
Assessment of the Health of Structural Systems via Laser-Enabled Agile Sensing
ITS Data Needs: How Much Do We Really Need to Know? - FY11 TechPlan
Mileage Based User Fee Policy Examination
Operational Research Program for Local Transportation Groups, 2011
TERRA Board Support, Fiscal Year 2011
Developing Salt-Tolerant Sod Mixtures for Use as Roadside Turf in Minnesota
Inexpensive 2-D Optical Sensor for DGPS Augmentation
In-Situ Testing of State Patrol Vehicle Lighting, Retro-reflectors, and Paint
MRI-R2: Development of a Precise and High Speed Hydrostatic Dynamometer System for Research and Education in Automotive Propulsion Systems
Estimating and Measuring Arterial Travel Time and Delay
Optimizing the Supply Chain for Cost and Carbon Footprint
RSS Report Publication Services, 2010
TERRA , Fiscal Year 2010
Operational Research Program for Local Transportation Groups, 2010
Progressive Failure of Slopes and Excavations as Fracture Problems
TERRA Board Support
RSS Report Publication Services, 2009
Strategies for Reducing the Impacts of Surface Transportation on Global Climate Change: A Synthesis of Policy Research and State and Local Mitigation Strategies
MN Traffic Calming Website Update & Outreach
Center for Excellence in Rural Safety - Training and Outreach
2006 Toward Zero Deaths Conference
Operational Research Program for Local Transportation Groups
RSS Research Report Management
2005 Toward Zero Deaths Administration and Outreach
2005 Midwest Regional Context Sensitive Design and Solutions Workshop
Operational Research Program for Local Transportation Groups
TERRA Board Support
Spring Load Restriction Study
Research Publication and Outreach Services
Operational Research Program for Local Transportation Groups
Utility Manual, Accommodation Policy Rewrite and Training Delivery
Research Management and Outreach Services
2002 Minnesota Technology Transfer/LTAP Program
State Aid Mechanic Training