Advancing Transportation Equity Research & Literature/Program Review

Principal Investigator(s):

Gina Baas, Deputy Director, Center for Transportation Studies


  • Yingling Fan, Associate Dean for Faculty, Humphrey School of Public Affairs
  • Andrew Guthrie, Former U of M Researcher, Humphrey School of Public Affairs

Project summary:

In the recently updated Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) committed to "study how transportation affects equity and identify transportation strategies that will meaningfully reduce disparities." In order to address this commitment, MnDOT is undertaking several activities within the department focused on advancing transportation equity. MnDOT is contracting with the Center for Transportation Studies and University of Minnesota researchers to conduct a research and literature review as well as a review of the current state of practice among transportation and other agencies and organizations that are striving to address inequity. Based on the information gathered, this research effort will identify recommended strategies for MnDOT and other transportation partners to consider for implementation. Finally, a research roadmap will be proposed for future projects to address new or unanswered questions raised during this project.

Project details:

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