U of M Snow Control Web Tools: Maintenance & Administration, FY22-23

Principal Investigator(s):

Arlene Mathison, Director, Digital Info & Lib. Svcs., Center for Transportation Studies

Project summary:

This project is for CTS to maintain and update the web-based tools developed from previous MnDOT-sponsored projects: The Snow Control Cost/Benefit Tool and the Minnesota Drift-Free Roads Design Module. CTS will maintain the Blowing Snow Control Tools website, including a migration to a new version of Drupal this year. CTS will also upgrade the Minnesota Drift-Free Roads Design Module, which has been in place with no upgrades for the past 20 years, and now needs to be rebuilt to be able to function with current hardware and software. The upgrade will include a survey of users and graphical updates to ensure clarity and usability. CTS will continue to make interface and functional enhancements to the Snow Control Cost/Benefit Tool. as identified by the toola??s key users. In addition, CTS will set up identical development and production environments to ensure smooth deployments after testing. CTS will also market the tools through its communications mechanisms such as the CTS website and Catalyst newsletter and the Minnesota LTAP website and Technology Exchange newsletter.

Project details: