Research Reports
| Active and Completed Projects
Research Reports
Mobile-device data, non-motorized traffic monitoring, and estimation of annual average daily bicyclist and pedestrian flows
June 2024, MnDOT 2024-19
Criteria and Guidelines for Three-Lane Road Design and Operation
February 2023, MnDOT 2023-09
Guidance for Separated/Buffered Bike Lanes with Delineators
May 2021, MnDOT 2021-12
How Do Complete Streets Matter for Communities? The Case of Richfield, Minnesota
July 2020, MnDOT 2020-22
Access Across America: Biking 2017 Methodology
July 2019, CTS 19-20
Access Across America: Biking 2017
July 2019, CTS 19-19
Pedestrian and Bicycle Crash Risk and Equity: Implications for Street Improvement Projects
June 2019, CTS 19-15
Modeling Bicyclist Exposure to Risk and Crash Risk: Some Exploratory Studies
July 2018, CTS 18-15
A Novel Collision Avoidance System for a Bicycle
April 2018, CTS 18-06
Traffic Impacts of Bicycle Facilities
June 2017, MnDOT 2017-23
Bicycle and Pedestrian Data Collection Manual
January 2017, MnDOT 2017-03
The Minnesota Bicycle and Pedestrian Counting Initiative: Institutionalizing Bicycle and Pedestrian Monitoring
January 2017, MnDOT 2017-02
Assessing the Economic Impact and Health Effects of Bicycling in Minnesota
December 2016, MnDOT 2016-36
Statewide Cycloplan: Bicycle Planning Tool & Participatory GIS
June 2015, MnDOT 2015-29
The Minnesota Bicycle and Pedestrian Counting Initiative: Implementation Study
June 2015, MnDOT 2015-34
Nice Stations: An Exploration of Nice Ride Bike Share
Accessibility and Station Choice
February 2014, CTS 14-03
The Minnesota Bicycle and Pedestrian Counting Initiative: Methodologies for Non-motorized Traffic Monitoring
October 2013, MnDOT 2013-24
Bike, Bus, and Beyond: Extending Cyclopath to Enable Multi-
Modal Routing
July 2013, MnDOT 2013-19
Feasibility of Using GPS to Track Bicycle Lane Positioning
March 2013, CTS 13-16
Investigation of Pedestrian/Bicyclist Risk in Minnesota
Roundabout Crossings
September 2012, MnDOT 2012-28
Understanding the Use of Non-Motorized Transportation
July 2012, CTS 12-24
Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program Community-Wide Evaluation Study (Research Brief)
October 2011, CTS Research Brief 2011-03
Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program Evaluation Study, Phase 2
May 2011, CTS 11-13
Practical Methods for Analyzing Pedestrian and Bicycle Use of a Transportation Facility
February 2010, Mn/DOT 2010-06
Access to Destinations: Application of Accessibility
Measures for Non-Auto Travel Modes
July 2009, Mn/DOT 2009-24
The Impact of Bicycling Facilities on Commute Mode Share
August 2008, MnDOT 2008-33
Access to Destinations: Parcel Level Land Use Data Acquisition and Analysis for Measuring Non-Auto Accessibility
July 2008, Mn/DOT 2008-19
Access to Destinations: How Close is Close Enough? Estimating Accurate Distance Decay Functions for Multiple Modes and Different Purposes
May 2008, Mn/DOT 2008-11
Interim Report to the U.S. Congress on the Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program SAFETEA-LU Section 1807
November 2007, NTPP Interim 2007
Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program Evaluation Study, Phase 1
June 2007, NTPP Evaluation 07-06
Commuter Bicyclist Behavior and Facility Disruption
May 2007, MnDOT 2007-15
The Safety of Pedestrian and Bicycle Travel in Minnesota: Inventory, Analysis and Prospectus
January 2007, MnDOT 2007-04
Tools for Predicting Usage and Benefits of Urban Bicycle Network Improvements
December 2005, MnDOT 2005-50
Sample-Based Estimation of Bicycle Miles of Travel (BMT)
October 2001, MnDOT 2001-23
Creating bicycle transportation networks : a guidebook
July 1996, Mn/DOT 1996-14
Active and Completed Projects
School times impact on students walking or biking to school: safe routes to school
Mobile-device data, non-motorized traffic monitoring, and estimation of annual average daily bicyclist and pedestrian flows
Guidance for Protected/Buffered Bike Lanes With Delineators
Criteria and Guidelines for Three-Lane Road Design and Operation
Quantifying the Impacts of Complete Streets: The Case of Richfield
Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety, Equity, and Street Funding: New Criteria for Prioritizing Multimodal Street Projects in Minneapolis
Smart Human-Centered Collision Warning System: Sensors, Intelligent Algorithms and Human-Computer Interfaces for Safe and Minimally Intrusive Car-Bicycle Interactions.
Institutionalizing Bicycle and Pedestrian Traffic Counts and Data Collection
Safety in Numbers? Accessibility, Traffic, and Safety of Nonmotorized Travelers
Assessing the Economic Impact and Health Effects of Bicycling in Minnesota
Traffic Impacts of Bicycle Facilities
Performance Measures for Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety: Methodologies for Monitoring Traffic Volumes and Assessing Exposure to Risk
Novel Collision-Avoidance System for Bicycles
Implementing Bicycle and Pedestrian Traffic Counts and Data Collection
NiceStations: Optimally Locating NiceRide Minnesota Bike Share Stations
Measuring particulate air pollution using a mobile, bicycle-based platform: Implications for cyclists' and pedestrians' exposure to urban air pollution
Statewide Cycloplan: A Bicycle Planning Tool with Online Participatory GIS
Testing and Development of Smartphone Applications for Bicycle Route Tracking - FY12 TechPlan
Methodologies for Counting Bicyclists and Pedestrians in Minnesota: An Integrated Approach to Measuring and Modeling Non-motorized Traffic
Bike, Bus, and Beyond: Extending Cyclopath to Enable Multi-Modal Routing
Investigation of Pedestrian/Bicyclist Risk in Minnesota Roundabout Crossings
Understanding Use of Non-Motorized Transportation Facilities - FY10 TechPlan
Analysis of Practical Methods for Counting Bicycling and Pedestrian Use of a Transportation Facility
Access to Destinations: Application of Accessibility Measures for Non-Auto Travel Modes
Bike Leadership Project
Non Motorized Transportation Project
Access to Destinations: Parcel Level Land Use Data Acquisition & Analysis for Measuring Non-Auto Accessibility
Access to Destinations: How Close is Close Enough? Estimating Accurate Distance Decay Functions for Different Purposes and Multiple Modes
Impact of Bicycle Facilities on Commute Mode Share
Commuter Bicyclist Behavior and Facility Disruption
The Safety of Pedestrian and Bicycle Travel in Minnesota
Tools for Predicting Usage and Benefits of Urban Bicycle Network Improvements
Guidelines for Cost-Benefit Analysis of Investments in Bicycle Facilities
Economic Benefits of Bicycling in Minnesota
Bicycle Counter
Sample-Based Estimation of Bicycle-Miles of Travel
Minnesota Community Bicycle Safety Project