Tools for Predicting Usage and Benefits of Urban Bicycle Network Improvements

Principal Investigator(s):

Gary Barnes, Former U of M Researcher, Humphrey School of Public Affairs

Project summary:

This research builds on and supplements work done in an earlier MnDOT-sponsored project titled "Economic Benefits of Bicycling in Minnesota."

This research project includes four separate studies regarding the behavior of bicyclists in and around the Twin Cities metropolitan area:
  1. Effect of Trails on Cycling: based on a 2000 Travel Behavior Inventory that analyzes behaviors based on the distance of a person's home from the nearest cycling facility.
  2. Value of Bicycle Facilities to Commuters: based on a survey asking respondents to choose among commutes of varying durations on bicycle facilities with different characteristics.
  3. Effect of Facilities on Commute Mode Share: analyzing the results of the construction of new commuter-oriented bicycling facilities.
  4. Cycling Behavior Near Facilities: which seeks to explain the relationship between cycling behaviors and trail access, as well as various demographic and lifestyle factors.

In general, the reports support the thesis that people value bicycle facilities and are willing to devote additional time to use higher quality facilities. In particular, riders who use bicycles to commute to work seem to value improvements to striped bike lanes.

Project details:

  • Project number: 2004036
  • Start date: 01/2004
  • Project status: Completed
  • Research area: Environment and Energy
  • Topics: Bicycling