Funding & finance
Research Reports
| Active and Completed Projects
Research Reports
A Path Forward for Distance-Based User Fees (Research Brief)
May 2022, CTS Research Brief 2022-03
The Impacts of Deferred Maintenance in Minnesota
April 2022, MnDOT 2022-08
Minnesota User Based Fee Demonstration
December 2021, CTS 21-07
Transitway Investment: Higher GDP, Job Growth, and Accessibility (Research Brief)
July 2020, CTS Research Brief 2020-02
How Do Complete Streets Matter for Communities? The Case of Richfield, Minnesota
July 2020, MnDOT 2020-22
Local Contributions to State and Regional Transportation Facilities in Minnesota
May 2020, MnDOT 2020-12
Value of Transitways to Regional Economies: National and Twin Cities Perspectives
April 2020, CTS 20-08
Pedestrian and Bicycle Crash Risk and Equity: Implications for Street Improvement Projects
June 2019, CTS 19-15
Identifying the Opportunities and Obstacles of Connected and Automated Vehicles in Rural Minnesota: Community Engagement in Greater Minnesota
June 2019, TPEC 2019-02
Minnesota Transportation Finance Database: Visualization Tool Enables Access and Usage (Research Brief)
February 2019, TPEC Research Brief 2019-04
Minnesota's Motorization Trends Reshape Roadway Funding (Research Brief)
February 2019, TPEC Research Brief 2019-02
Minnesota Transportation Funding: How Are Federal and State Funds Redistributed? (Research Brief)
February 2019, TPEC Research Brief 2019-01
Connected and Automated Vehicles: Opportunity for Safety, Accessibility, and Equity (Research Brief)
February 2019, TPEC Research Brief 2019-06
Blockchain: A Disruptive Technology for Transportation? (Research Brief)
February 2019, TPEC Research Brief 2019-05
Minnesota's Booming Medical Sector Relies on Airports (Research Brief)
February 2019, TPEC Research Brief 2019-03
Equity issues of self-driving vehicles (Research Brief)
June 2018, TPEC Research Brief 2018-03
Evolving grain markets and supply chains (Research Brief)
June 2018, TPEC Research Brief 2018-02
Minnesota Transportation Finance Database: Data updated, new analyses (Research Brief)
June 2018, TPEC Research Brief 2018-01
Minnesota Transportation Funding Redistribution (2010-2015): Who Contributes More and Who Receives More?
March 2018, TPEC 2018-01
Transportation Investment and Job Creation in Minnesota Counties
January 2018, MnDOT 2018-04
Transportation Investment and Economic Development in Minnesota Counties
April 2015, MnDOT 2015-12
Value Increase and Value Capture: The Case of TH-610 in Maple Grove, Minnesota
January 2014, MnDOT 2014-03
Benefit and Cost Analysis of the I-394 MnPASS Program
February 2012, CTS 12-03
Funding China's Urban Infrastructure: Revenue Structure and
Financing Approaches
May 2011, CTS 11-10
Funding Surface Transportation in Minnesota: Past, Present and Prospects (Research Brief)
March 2011, CTS Research Brief 2011-01
Advancing Public Interest in Public-Private Partnership of State Highway Development
February 2011, MnDOT 2011-09
Impacts of the Hiawatha Light-Rail Line on Commercial & Industrial Property Values in Minneapolis: A Transitway Impacts Research Program (TIRP) Research Brief
July 2010, CTS Research Brief 2010-03
Study of Public Acceptance of Tolling with New Capacity and
Credits: Concepts of FAST Miles and FEE Lanes
July 2010, Mn/DOT 2010-27
Impacts of the Hiawatha Light Rail Line on Commercial and
Industrial Property Values in Minneapolis
June 2010, CTS 10-05
Funding Surface Transportation in Minnesota: Past, Present and Prospects
January 2010, CTS 10-02
Value Capture for Transportation Finance: Report to the Minnesota Legislature
June 2009, CTS 09-18S
Harnessing Value for Transportation Investment: A Summary of the Study: Value Capture for Transportation Finance
June 2009, CTS 09-18PS
Value Capture for Transportation Finance: Technical Research Report
June 2009, CTS 09-18
Advanced Acquisition of Right-of-Way: Best Practices and Corridor Case Studies
January 2009, Mn/DOT 2009-07
Minnesota Value Pricing Outreach and Education
October 2006, MnDOT 2006-38
Minnesota Value Pricing Project
March 2003, MnDOT 2003-31
On The Value of Minnesota's Road Network
January 2001, MnDOT 2004-16
Active and Completed Projects
Demonstrating the Potential of OEM Telematics Data for Calculation of Distance-Based Fees
Advancing Equity in Capital Investment Decision-Making
The Impact of Deferred Maintenance in Minnesota
Minnesota Distance Based User Fee Demonstration
Value of Transitways to Regional Economies: National and Twin Cities Perspectives
Quantifying the Impacts of Complete Streets: The Case of Richfield
Transportation Policy and Economic Competitiveness FY19
Evaluating the Impact of Local Expenditures on State and Regional Transportation Facilities
Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety, Equity, and Street Funding: New Criteria for Prioritizing Multimodal Street Projects in Minneapolis
Transportation Policy and Economic Competitiveness, Year 5
Transportation Investment and Job Creation in Minnesota Counties
Transportation Investment and Economic Development in Minnesota Counties
Understanding and Enhancing the Value of Freight Economy in Minnesota
Economic Benefits of Transportation Service Coordination in Minnesota: Case Studies
Value Increase and Value Capture: TH 610 Case Study
Public-Private Partnerships in Transportation Task Force
Funding Urban Infrastructure Development, China Style
Benefit-Cost Analysis of Value Pricing: Case Study for MnPass - FY10 TechPlan
Advancing Public Interest in Public-Private Partnerships of State Highway Development
Study of Public Acceptance of Tolling Credits
Value-added: Impacts of the Proximity to Transitway Stations on Commercial Property Values
Financing Transportation Through the Capture of Land Value Gains: The Value Capture Strategies of TIF, SAD, and Joint Development
Value Capture for Transportation Finance
Financing Transportation Through the Capture of Land Value Gains: Practical Integration and Stakeholder Involvement
Financing Transportation Through the Capture of Land Value Gains: Taxes, Exactions and Synthesis
Transportation Funding in Minnesota: Past, Present, and Prospects
Growth of Property Values Near Major Transportation Corridors
Minnesota Value Pricing Outreach and Education
Minnesota Value Pricing