Production and Characterization of Mycorrhizal Fungal Inoculum

Principal Investigator(s):

Iris Charvat, Former Professor, Plant Biology

Project summary:

The aim of this project was to produce a local, diverse mycorrhizal inoculum for commercial production for use in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area. In earlier studies, spores of several arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) species were isolated from a Minnesota remnant prairie and identified by morphological features. For each species, single spore cultures were established and stored in the cold for six to seven years. Objectives of this project were to produce pot cultures from the single spore cultures and to recommend AMF species for commercial production. To check the identity of the fungi before and after inoculum production, genetic identification of fungi used to develop the inoculum should be performed. The extraction and preservation of DNA of AMF species were done. DNA analysis showed general agreement between the morphological and molecular identification of the spores and their placement in genera. However, results suggested that some species placement might not be consistent where these comparisons can be made. Further research may result in the re-naming of some species. Several AMF species are recommended as candidates for commercial inoculum production based on production of spores in pot cultures, on their longevity in cold storage, and in some species on molecular traits.

Project details:

  • Project number: 2003057
  • Start date: 06/2003
  • Project status: Completed
  • Research area: Environment and Energy
  • Topics: Environment

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