Research Reports
| Active and Completed Projects
Research Reports
Dedicated transit lanes help attract riders, reduce carbon emissions (Research Brief)
June 2024, CTS Research Brief 2024-03
Thinking Inside the Box (Culvert): Developing a Low-Cost, Easy-to-Install Retrofit Prototype for Fish Passage
May 2024, CTS 23-11
The Value of Dedicated Right of Way (ROW) to Transit Ridership and Carbon Emissions
December 2023, CTS 23-09
Stormwater Pond Maintenance, and Wetland Management for Phosphorus Retention
June 2023, MnDOT 2023-25
Climate Change Adaptation of Urban Stormwater Infrastructure
June 2023, MnDOT 2023-21
Identifying and Optimizing Electric Vehicle Corridor Charging Infrastructure for Medium and Heavy-Duty Trucks
June 2023, MnDOT 2023-29
Turfgrass Seed Variety Evaluation Process
May 2023, MnDOT 2023-20
Enhancing Managed Lanes Equity Analysis
April 2023, MnDOT 2023-15
Cost/benefit analysis of fuel-efficient speed control using signal phasing and timing (SPaT) data: evaluation for future connected corridor deployment
March 2023, MnDOT 2023-06
Assessing a Solar Project and a Virtual Power Purchase Agreement Between the Red Lake Nation and the Minnesota Department of Transportation
March 2023, MnDOT 2023-12
Reducing Winter Maintenance Equipment Fuel Consumption Using Advanced Vehicle Data Analytics
January 2023, MnDOT 2023-03
Reducing Winter Maintenance Equipment Fuel Consumption Using Advanced Vehicle Data Analytics: Appendices
January 2023, MnDOT 2023-03A
Cost-effective roadside revegetation methods to support insect pollinators
August 2022, MnDOT 2022-30
Environmental Impacts of Potassium Acetate as a Road Salt Alternative (University of Minnesota evaluation)
July 2022, MnDOT 2022-27A
Regional Optimization of Roadside Turfgrass Seed Mixtures Phase 2: Regional Field Trials and Economic Analysis
July 2022, MnDOT 2022-16
Wet Pond Maintenance for Phosphorus Retention
June 2022, MnDOT 2022-20
Promoting the Adoption of Snow Fences through Landowner Engagement
May 2022, MnDOT 2022-14
Re-use of regional waste in sustainably designed soils
April 2022, MnDOT 2022-10
Assessing Culverts in Minnesota: Fish Passage and Storm Vulnerability
November 2021, MnDOT 2021-29
Continued Monitoring of Stormwater Effluents from Filter Media in Two Bioslope Sites
June 2021, MnDOT 2021-15
Design and Construction of Infiltration Facilities
June 2021, MnDOT 2021-14
Adaptive Management to Improve De-Icing Operations
March 2021, MnDOT 2021-07
Smartphone-Based Interventions for Sustainable Travel Behavior: The University of Minnesota Parking Contract Holder Study
October 2020, CTS 20-13
Characterization of Runoff Quality from Paved Low-Volume Roads and Optimization of Treatment Methods
September 2020, MnDOT 2020-27
How Do Complete Streets Matter for Communities? The Case of Richfield, Minnesota
July 2020, MnDOT 2020-22
Techno-Economic Analysis of Implementing Hybrid Electric Utility Vehicles in Municipal Fleets
July 2020, MnDOT 2020-25
Expanding the Success of Salt-Tolerant Roadside Turfgrasses through Innovation and Education
February 2020, MnDOT 2020-03
Regional Roadside Turfgrass Testing Program
August 2019, MnDOT 2019-38
Development and Regionalization of In Situ Bioslopes and Bioswales
July 2019, MnDOT 2019-31
Iron-Enhanced Swale Ditch Checks for Phosphorus Retention
July 2019, MnDOT 2019-27
Monitoring and Habitat Assessment of Declining Bumble Bees in Roadsides in the Twin Cities Metro Area of Minnesota
June 2019, MnDOT 2019-25
Investigating Wastewater Reuse at MnDOT Truck Stations
May 2019, MnDOT 2019-22
Regional Optimization of Roadside Turfgrass Seed Mixtures
December 2018, MnDOT 2019-01
Access Across America: Transit 2017 Methodology
June 2018, CTS 18-13
Access Across America: Transit 2017
June 2018, CTS 18-12
Access Across America: Auto 2016
April 2018, CTS 18-08
Culvert Length and Interior Lighting Impacts to Topeka Shiner Passage
November 2017, MnDOT 2017-44
Stakeholder Attitudes, Knowledge and Engagement in Local Road Systems Planning and Decision Making
October 2017, MnDOT 2017-39
Best Management Practices for Establishment of Salt-Tolerant Grasses on Roadsides
July 2017, MnDOT 2017-31
Water Use at Minnesota Rest Areas
January 2016, CTS 15-11A
Assessing the Economic Impact and Health Effects of Bicycling in Minnesota
December 2016, MnDOT 2016-36
Access Across America: Transit 2015 Methodology
December 2016, CTS 16-10
Enhancement and Application of the Minnesota Dry Swale Calculator
April 2016, MnDOT 2016-15
Validation of Wetland Mitigation in Abandoned Borrow Areas: Phase II
March 2016, MnDOT 2016-11
Water Use at Minnesota Rest Areas
January 2016, CTS 15-11A
Septic System Evaluation at MnDOT Rest Stops, Truck Stations and Weigh Scales
January 2016, CTS 15-11B
Determination of Effective Impervious Area in Urban Watersheds
July 2015, MnDOT 2015-41
Sediment Transport through Recessed Culverts: Laboratory Experiments
March 2015, MnDOT 2015-08
Developing Salt-Tolerant Sod Mixtures for Use as Roadside
Turf in Minnesota
December 2014, MnDOT 2014-46
Assessing and Improving Pollution Prevention by Swales
August 2014, MnDOT 2014-30
Advanced LED Warning System for Rural Intersections: Phase
2 (ALERT-2)
February 2014, MnDOT 2014-10
Mitigating Highway Construction Impacts Through the Use of
May 2013, MnDOT 2013-13
Transport of Perfluorochemicals to Surface and Subsurface Soils
March 2013, CTS 13-17
Development of Novel Hydrogen-Based Power Systems for ITS
Applications: Phase-I
December 2012, CTS 12-38
Leveraging Socially Networked Mobile ICT Platforms for the Last-Mile Delivery Problem
August 2012, 10.1021/es301302k
Assessment and Recommendations for the Operation of Standard Sumps as Best Management Practices for Stormwater Treatment (Volume 2)
May 2012, MnDOT 2012-13
Reduction of Accessory Overdrive and Parasitic Loading on a Parallel Electric Hybrid City Bus (Presentation to SAE)
April 2012, SAE 2012-01-1005 Presentation
Reduction of Accessory Overdrive and Parasitic Loading on a Parallel Electric Hybrid City Bus
April 2012, 10.4271/2012-01-1005
Economic and Environmental Costs and Benefits of Living Snow Fences: Safety, Mobility, and Transportation Authority Benefits, Farmer Costs, and Carbon Impacts
February 2012, MnDOT 2012-03
Development of Techniques to Quantify Effective Impervious Cover
September 2011, CTS 11-20
Rationale for Funding a Feasibility Study for an Automated
Rapid Transit Application in the Twin Cities
September 2011, MnDOT 2011-17
Performance Assessment of Oversized Culverts to Accommodate Fish Passage
August 2011, MnDOT 2011-19
Minnesota Low Carbon Fuels Standard Study
June 2011, Contract B24112
Assessment and Recommendations for the Operation of
Standard Sumps as Best Management Practice for Stormwater
Treatment (Volume 1)
February 2011, MnDOT 2011-08
Evaluation of Buffer Width on Hydrologic Function, Water Quality, and Ecological Integrity of Wetlands
February 2011, MnDOT 2011-06
Tank to Wheel Emissions of Ethanol and Biodiesel Powered Vehicles as Compared to Petroleum Alternatives
July 2010, 2010 White Paper
Statistical Analysis of the Soil Chemical Survey Data
June 2010, Mn/DOT 2010-22
Wetland Mitigation in Abandoned Gravel Pits
March 2010, Mn/DOT 2010-11
Implementation of methodology for weed management practices, Phase II
September 2009, MnDOT 2009-28
Superbus Phase I: Accessory Loads Onboard a Parallel Hybrid-Electric City Bus
August 2009, CTS 09-23
Cost Analysis of Alternative Culvert Installation Practices in Minnesota
June 2009, MnDOT 2009-20
Subsurface Drainage Manual for Pavements in Minnesota
June 2009, MnDOT 2009-17
Biological Control of Canada Thistle
April 2009, 200738TS
Implementation of Methodology for Weed Management Practices
February 2009, MnDOT 2009-10
Scoping in Environmental Review for Transportation Projects: A Study of NEPA Scoping Methods and Outcomes in State Departments of Transportation
December 2008, CTS 08-04
Improved Methodologies for the Inoculation of Prairie Legumes in Roadside/Revegetation Settings
October 2008, MnDOT 2008-48
Study of Environmental Effects of De-Icing Salt on Water Quality in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, Minnesota
September 2008, MnDOT 2008-42
Production and Wind Dispersal of Canada Thistle (Cirsium arvense L.) Achenes
September 2008, MnDOT 2008-39
Development of a Trash Harvester for MnDOT - Phase II
July 2008, MnDOT 2008-21
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Transportation Sources in Minnesota
June 2008, CTS 08-10
A Smaller Carbon Footprint: Research Suggests Combining Strategies to Meet Legislative Goals in the Transportation Sector
June 2008, CTS 08-10S
Methods to Incorporate Historic Surface Hydrology Layer in Mn/Model [Phase 4] Using Existing Geographic Information System Data
May 2008, Mn/DOT 2008-13
Surveying Noxious Weeds in Roadway Rights-of-Way - Technical Summary
April 2008, Mn/DOT 200742TS
Impact of Alternative Storm Water Management Approaches on Highway Infrastructure - Technical Summary
February 2008, Mn/DOT 200549TS
Wet Meadow Revegetation Following Invasive Plant Control
January 2008, MnDOT 2008-04
Pavement Rehabilitation Selection
January 2008, Mn/DOT 2008-06
Enhancing Environment and Health in Transportation Project Design
December 2007, CTS 07-08
Management Practices for Weed Control in Roadway Rights-of-Way
October 2007, MnDOT 2007-42
Biological Control of Canada Thistle in Wetland Prairie Restoration
October 2007, MnDOT 2007-38
Water Quality Performance of Dry Detention Ponds with Under-Drains
December 2006, MnDOT 2006-43
Reducing CO2 emissions in the Upper Midwest : technology, resources, economics, and policy
November 2006, P06-10
Economic analysis : co-generation using wind and biodiesel-powered generators
October 2006, P05-10
The Economics of harvesting and transporting corn stover for conversion to fuel ethanol : a case study for Minnesota
August 2006, P06-12
Chemical Inventory and Database Development for Recycled Material Substitutes
July 2006, MnDOT 2006-28
Energy and chemicals from native grasses : production, transportation, and processing technologies considered in the Northern Great Plains
June 2006, P06-11
Impact of Alternative Storm Water Management Approaches on Highway Infrastructure: Guide for Selection of Best Management Practices - Volume 1
February 2006, MnDOT 2005-49A
Impact of Alternative Storm Water Management Approaches on Highway Infrastructure: Project Task Reports - Volume 2
February 2006, MnDOT 2005-49B
Minnesota Taconite as a Microwave-Absorbing Road Aggregate Material for Deicing and Pothole Patching Applications
August 2005, CTS 05-10
Distillate Usage Patterns in Minnesota: Development of Data and Tools To Analyze Policies Affecting Biodiesel Usage
January 2005, MnDOT 2005-08
Screening Tool for Using Waste Materials in Paving Projects
September 2004, Mn/DOT 2005-03
The Effect of Novel Soil Amendments on Roadside Establishment of Cover Crop and Native Prairie Plant Species
September 2004, MnDOT 2004-41
Scoping Study for the Development of Design Guidelines for Bioengineering in the Upper Midwest
August 2004, MnDOT 2004-47
Production and Characterization of Mycorrhizal Fungal Inoculum
July 2004, P2004-01
Inoculated Legumes and Revegetation/Roadside Plantings
June 2004, MnDOT 2004-32
Best Management Practices for the Invasive Phalaris
arundinacea L. (Reed Canary Grass) in Wetland Restorations
May 2004, MnDOT 2004-36
Environmental Hazard Assessment For Transportation Related Chemicals: Development of a Decision Support Tool - USERS GUIDE
February 2004, MnDOT 2004-14G
Properties and Aggregate Potential of Coarse Taconite Tailings from Five Minnesota Taconite Operations
December 2003, Mn/DOT 2004-06
Progressive Lifting of Shallow Sewers Due to Frost Heave Actions: Investigation of a Lumped Parameter Frost Heave Model
August 2003, Mn/DOT 2003-25
The Effects of Fire versus Mowing on Prairie Plant Communities
July 2003, MnDOT 2003-20
Designing Pavement Drainage Systems: The MnDrain Software
March 2003, Mn/DOT 2003-17
Urban Design, Transportation, Environment and Urban Growth: Transit-Supportive Urban Design Impacts on Suburban Land Use and Transportation Planning.
March 2003, CTS 03-06
Transportation, Urban Design and the Environment : Highway 61/Red Rock Corridor
January 2003, CTS 03-04
Site/Environment Correlations in Northeastern Minnesota
October 2001, MnDOT 2002-10
Agricultural land conversion in the Twin Cities : part II, the National Resources Inventory
July 2001, P01-7
Evaluation of a Field Permeameter to Measure Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Base/Subgrade Materials
June 2001, Mn/DOT 2001-19
Fine Particle (Nanoparticle) Emissions On Minnesota Highways
May 2001, MnDOT 2001-12
Transportation Barriers Affecting International Visitors to Minnesota
December 2000, MnDOT 2003-21
Mycorrhizal/Plant Factors Involved in Roadside Reclamation
August 2000, MnDOT 2000-30
Effect of Seeding Date on Establishment of Native Grasses in Minnesota
September 1999, MnDOT 1999-16
Factors Affecting Biological Recovery of Wetland Restorations
June 1999, MnDOT 1999-25
An On-Board Emissions and Performance Measurement System (OEPMS) for Measuring Carbon Monoxide Emission During Cold-Start
May 1999, Mn/DOT 1999-39
Establishment of Native Sedge Vegetation in Created Wetlands
February 1999, MnDOT 1999-38
Roadside prairie and wetland restoration: mycorrhizal/plant factors
May 1998, MnDOT 1998-15
Salt Tolerance in Short Stature Native Grasses
January 1998, MnDOT 1998-16
Lidar System for Area Sensing of Vehicle Emmissions: Final Evaluation Report
January 1998, MnDOT 1998-21
Relationship between timber bridge characteristics and asphalt pavement wear surface performance
June 1997, Mn/DOT 1998-07
Identifying Potential Sites for Energy Production from Woody Biomass
January 1997, CTS 97-01
Environmental scanning : evaluation & recommendations to management
June 1995, Mn/DOT 1995-29
Environmental pricing policies for transportation : a distributional analysis of the Twin Cities
February 1995, MnDOT 95-18
Reintroduction of Soil Mycorrhizae into Roadside Prairie Planting
January 1995, Mn/DOT 1996-16
Remote sensing of particulate emissions from heavy-duty vehicles : final report on phase I
September 1994, CTS 93-19
Culture and re-introduction of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae in a prairie restoration
August 1994, Mn/DOT 1994-30
Controlling leafy spurge and Canada thistle by competitive species
June 1994, Mn/DOT 1994-32
Screening and selection for salt tolerance in native warm season grasses
February 1994, Mn/DOT 1994-11
Development of design guidelines for use of shredded tires as a lightweight fill in road subgrade and retaining walls
January 1994, Mn/DOT 1994-04
Active and Completed Projects
Analyzing Truck Size and Weight Impacts on Vehicle Miles Traveled
Assessing effectiveness of pond sediment removal for phosphorus management in stormwater ponds
Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Thermally Induced Loading in Minnesota Bridges
Investigating real storms and the impact of potential climate change adaptations.
Transitioning to EV Fleets: Best Practices and A Decision Tool
Real-time marginal cost estimation for eco-routing navigation guidance
Impacts of shared mobility on infrastructure usage, greenhouse gas emissions, and accessibility
Mitigating community harms of dense highway infrastructure "spaghetti junctions"
Development of Biochar Specification Criteria as Soil Amendment for Slopes, Conveyances and Stormwater Treatment Systems, Phase 1.
Managing urban pond vegetation to enhance water quality benefits
Wet Pond Modeling for Contaminant Retention and Maintenance
Re-use of Minnesota waste material in sustainably design soils. Part 2.
Regional Optimization of Roadside Turfgrass Seed Mixtures Phase 3: Assessing Long-Term Performance and Creating a Web-Based Decision Tool
Evaluating Treatment and Options for Wastewater Treatment at Rest Areas and Truck Stations
Thinking inside the box (culvert): Developing a low-cost, easy-to-install retrofit prototype for fish passage
The values of dedicated right of way to transit ridership and carbon emissions
Addressing the research needs for the sustainable application of TDA in stormwater infiltration/treatment.
Feasibility Study: State - Tribal Partnership to Support Solar Energy
Evaluation of Corrugated HDPE Pipes Manufactured with Recycled Content
Enhancing Managed Lane Equity Analysis
Turfgrass Seed Variety Evaluation Process
Identifying and Optimizing Electric Vehicle Corridor Charging Infrastructure for Medium and Heavy Duty Trucks
Cost/Benefit Analysis of Fuel Efficient Speed Control Using Signal Phasing and Timing (SPaT) Data: Evaluation for Future Connected Corridor Deployment
Stormwater Pond Maintenance, and Wetland Management for Phosphorus Retention
Climate Change Adaptation of Urban Stormwater Infrastructure
Cost-Effective Roadside Vegetation Methods to Support Insect Pollinators
Incremental Transition to Electric Transit Systems: Evaluation, Planning, and Operations
Promoting the adoption of snow fences through landowner engagement
Improving the Freight Productivity of a Heavy-Duty, Battery Electric Truck by Intelligent Energy Management
Implementation of Culvert Design Guide for Stream Connectivity and Aquatic Organism Passage (AOP)
Continued Monitoring of Stormwater Effluents from Filter Media in Two Bioslope Sites
Evaluation of Environmental Impacts of Potassium Acetate Used as a Road Salt Alternative
Groundwater Mounding and Chemicals of Emerging Concern Research and Education
Wet Pond Maintenance for Phosphorus Retention
Re-use of regional waste in sustainably designed soils
Quantifying the Impacts of Complete Streets: The Case of Richfield
Assessing Culverts in Minnesota: Fish Passage and Storm Vulnerability
Intensive Septic System Research
Reducing Winter Maintenance Equipment Fuel Consumption Using Advanced Vehicle Data Analytics
Techno-Economic Analysis of Implementing Hybrid Electric Utility Vehicles in Municipal Fleets
Design and Construction of Infiltration Facilities
Regional Optimization of Roadside Turfgrass Seed Mixtures Phase 2: Regional Field Trials and Economic Analysis
On-Demand Reactivity Enhancement to Enable Advanced Low Temperature Natural Gas Internal Combustion Engines
PAG Rock Implementation Project - Map
Connecting the Smart-City Paradigm with a Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Systems Framework to Advance Equity in Communities
Characterization of Runoff Quality from Paved Low Volume Roads and Optimization of Treatment Methods
Development and Regionalization of In Situ Bioslopes and Bioswales
Investigating Wastewater Reuse at Safety Rest Areas and Truck Stations
Monitoring and habitat assessment of declining bumble bees in Twin Cities metro roadsides
Adaptive Management to Improve Deicing Operations
Cloud connected delivery vehicles: boosting fuel economy using physics-aware spatiotemporal data analytics and real-time powertrain control
Erosion Control and Stormwater Management
2017 MnDOT Environmental Stewardship Conference
Smartphone-Based Interventions for Sustainable Travel Behavior
Regional Roadside Turfgrass Testing Program
Septic System Research at MnDOT Safety Rest Areas
Regional Optimization of Roadside Turfgrass Seed Mixtures
Iron-Enhanced Swale Ditch Checks for Phosphorus Removal
SRN: Integrated Urban Infrastructure Solutions for Environmentally Sustainable, Healthy and Livable Cities
Reducing Emissions from Open Burning through Biomass Gasification
Expanding the Success of Salt-Tolerant Roadside Turfgrasses through Innovation and Education
Environmental Workshop, 2015
Development of a Controlled-Trajectory Rapid Compression and Expansion Machine to Enable Fundamental Research on the Internal Combustion Engine
Assessing the Economic Impact and Health Effects of Bicycling in Minnesota
Stakeholder Attitudes, Knowledge and Engagement in Local Road Systems Planning and Decision-Making
Culvert Length and Interior Lighting Impacts to Topeka Shiner Passage
Enhancement and Application of Minnesota Dry Swale Calculator
2013 Environmental Stewardship and Streamlining Workshop
Septic System Evaluation at MnDOT Rest Stops and Truck Garages
Enabling the Next Generation of Super Hybrid Transit Bus
Demand Focused Smart Energy Management in End User Environments for Sustainable Cities
Proposal for Water Permit Streamlining Task Force Report
Laboratory Study of Culvert Sedimentation for Fish Passage
Use of Biomass Wastes (Hydrochars) to Reduce Cement Content in Concrete
Determination of Effective Impervious Area in Urban Watersheds
Measuring particulate air pollution using a mobile, bicycle-based platform: Implications for cyclists' and pedestrians' exposure to urban air pollution
Source Apportionment of Perfluorochemicals (PFCs) in Highway Runoff: Are Transportation Activities a Major Source of PFCs?
2012 Focus Groups for the Local Road Research Board
Advanced LED Warning Signs for Rural Intersections Powered by Renewable Energy (ALERT System): Phase II
Validation of Wetland Mitigation in Abandoned Borrow Areas
2011 Environmental Stewardship and Streamlining Workshop
Decarbonising the "Last Mile": Leveraging Social Media and Mobile ICT to Mitigate the Carbon Footprint of Online Shopping
Development of Techniques to Quantify Effective Impervious Cover
Rethinking How We Manage Traffic to Reduce Emissions While Maintaining Mobility: A New Paradigm for Traffic Management
Assessing and Improving Pollution Prevention by Swales
Performance and Emissions of Second Generation Biofuel DME
Viability and Benefits of Automated Rapid Transit for Minnesota
Developing Salt-Tolerant Sod Mixtures for Use as Roadside Turf in Minnesota
Aqueous Pollutant Capture by Enhanced Filter Media
2010 Mn/DOT Environmental Stewardship and Streamlining Workshop
CSS Workshop and Advanced Flexibility in Design Curriculum, FY10
Design of a Framework for Measuring Sustainable Regional Development
Optimizing the Supply Chain for Cost and Carbon Footprint
Performance Assessment of Oversized Culvert to Accommodate Fish Passage
Research and Assess the Farmer and Mn/DOT Economic and Environmental Costs and Benefits of Living Snow Fences Including Carbon Impacts
Addressing Climate Change in State and Local Environmental Review Policies
Convergence of Agriculture and Energy IV: Infrastructure Considerations for Biomass Harvest, Transportation and Storage
Development of Hydrogen Based Power Systems for ITS Applications - FY10 NATSRL
Thermochemical Fuels: Solar at Night
Tilling and Composting Compacted Soils to Decrease Urban Runoff
Low Carbon Logistics through Supply Chain Design and Coordinations
2009 Environmental Stewardship and Streamlining Workshop
Minnesota Low Carbon Fuels Study
Air Pollution Emissions from Conventional and Alternative Transportation Fuels
Implementation of methodology for weed management practices - Phase II
Requirements for Effective Fuel Economy Displays for Improving Fuel Economy and Safety
Assessment and Recommendations for Operation of Standard Sumps as Best Management Practices for Stormwater Treatment
Statistical Analysis of the Soil Chemical Survey Data
Development of Design Methods for In-Stream Flow Control Structures
Strategies for Reducing the Impacts of Surface Transportation on Global Climate Change: A Synthesis of Policy Research and State and Local Mitigation Strategies
State Conservation Plan - Transportation Sub-Section of Land Use Practices Section
Wetlands: Role of Buffers in Upland Infiltration, Nutrient Absorption and Wildlife Habitat
Implementation of a Survey Method for Noxious Weeds
Transportation Policy and Technology Options to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Minnesota
Super Bus Project Phase I: Energy Audit
Methodology to Incorporate Historic/Prehistoric Surface Hydrology layer in Mn/Model Using Existing GIS Data
Wetland Mitigation in Abandoned Gravel Pits
Subsurface Drainage Manual for Pavements in Minnesota
Study of Environmental Effects of De-icing Salt on Water Quality in Minnesota
Scoping in Environmental Review for Transportation Projects
Canada Thistle Seed Movement
Modeling Traffic Impact on Denali Park Road
Development of a Trash Harvester for MNDoT Phase 2
A Predictive Study of Use Impacts on the Denali Park Road
Impacts of Bus Rapid Transit on West Broadway Neighborhoods in North Minneapolis
Pavement Rehabilitation Selection
Urban Development Effects on Runoff and Receiving Stream Temperatures
2005 Environmental Stewardship and Streamlining Workshop
Development of a Trash Harvester for MNDot Phase 1
Improved Methodologies for the Inoculation of Prairie Legumes in Roadside/Revegetation Settings
Wet Meadow Revegetation Following Invasive Plant Control
Management Practices for Weed Control in Roadway Right-of-Ways
Delivery of Environmental Stewardship and Streamlining Workshop
Mapping Impervious Surface Area of Minnesota
Biological Control of Canada Thistle in Wetland Prairie Restoration
Chemical Inventory and Database Development for Recycled Material Substitutes
Screening Tool for Using Waste Materials in Paving Projects
Water Quality Performance of Dry Detention Ponds with Underdrains
Minnesota Taconite as a Microwave-Absorbing Road Aggregate Material for Deicing and Pothole Patching Applications - FY04NATSRL
Production and Characterization of Mycorrhizal Fungal Inoculum
Impact of Alternative Storm Water Management Approaches on Highway Infrastructure
Scoping Studies for the Development of Design Guidelines for Bioengineering in the Upper Midwest
Adaptability and DNA Fingerprinting of Native Plant Population
Development of Policy Analysis Tool for Determining Potential Biodiesel Consumption in MN by Season and Activity
Urban Design, Transportation, Environment and Urban Growth: Transit-Supportive Urban Design Impacts on Suburban Land Use and Transportation
Inoculated Legumes and Revegetation/Roadside Plantings
Designing Pavement Drainage Systems
Properties and Aggregate Potential of Coarse Taconite Tailings
Management and Control of Reed Canary Grass in Restored Wetlands
Site/Environmental Correlations in Northeastern Minnesota
Transportation and Regional Growth - Part V, Urban Design: Transportation & Urban Growth - Urban Design and the Environment
The Effects of Fire versus Mowing on Prairie Plant Communities
Increasing Native Grass Germination Using Novel Germination Blankets, Soil Treatments, and Cover Crops
Delineation of the Stiff Layer and Groundwater Conditions From FWD Data
Fine Particle (Nanoparticle) Emissions on Minnesota Highways
Environmental Hazard Assessment for Transportation-Related Chemicals
Field Measurement of Granular Base Drainage Characteristics
Identification of Transportation-Related Barriers Limiting Expansion of Minnesota's Share of International Visitation
Automotive Exhaust Emissions During Cold-Starting
Mycorrhizal/Plant Factors Involved in Roadside Reclamation
Effect of Seeding Date on Establishment of Native Grasses
Mn/DOT - Restoration Wetlands Success
Salt Tolerance in Short Stature Native Grasss
Roadside Prairie and Wetland Restoration: Mycorrhizal/Plant Factors
Identify Potential Sites for Energy Production from Woody Biomass
Reintroduction of Soil Mycorrhizae into Roadside Prairie Planting
Establishment of Native Sedge Vegetation in Created Wetlands
Evaluation of LIDAR System for Area Sensing of Vehicle Emissions- Phase 2