Pavement Rehabilitation Selection

Principal Investigator(s):

Joseph Labuz, Professor, Civil, Environmental and Geo-Engineering


  • Bojan Guzina, Professor, Civil, Environmental and Geo-Engineering
  • Gene Skok, Former University Researcher, Civil, Environmental and Geo-Engineering

Project summary:

The objective of this project is to develop a best practices manual for the selection of asphalt pavement recycling techniques from the many choices that are available. The report specifically examines cold-in-place recycling (CIR), plain full depth reclamation (FDR), and mill & overlay (M&O). Interviews, surveys, and site visits were conducted at both Mn/DOT districts and counties, where relevant rehabilitation information was supplied on over 120 projects. A database was constructed to organize the details of these projects, and the parameters in the database included: 1) cracking, 2) ride, 3) rutting, 4) age, and 5) traffic volume. From studying the existing rehabilitation projects in the State, Ride Quality Index (RQI) and Surface Rating (SR) were selected as the descriptors of pavement surface condition. A decision procedure based on the analysis of all available projects was developed. The decision procedure included: 1) consideration of road geometrics, 2) pavement condition survey, and 3) structural adequacy evaluation. A step-by-step checklist was also developed to provide local engineers with a simple and useful tool to follow the decision procedures. The procedure includes selection of rehabilitation method, pavement thickness design, materials mixture design, and construction.

Project details:

Reports or Products: