Driver Comprehension of Flashing Yellow Arrows

Principal Investigator(s):

Gary Davis, Professor, Civil, Environmental and Geo-Engineering


  • John Hourdos, Former Research Associate Professor, Civil, Environmental and Geo-Engineering
  • Raphael Stern, Assistant Professor, Civil, Environmental and Geo-Engineering

Project summary:

RNS 583 indicates that while flashing yellow arrow (FYA) indications for permitted left-turns tend to be safer than circular green (CG), "high profile" crashes have occurred, and this might be due to drivers not understanding the meaning of FYA. This project is investigating this issue by (1) conducting a survey of drivers regarding comprehension of FYA and (2) conducting a field study of driver behavior at signals using FYA vs. CG. Additionally, sight distance issues and speeds of opposing vehicles are being considered.

Project details:

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