Driver Performance and Behavior
Research Reports
| Active and Completed Projects
Research Reports
Development of a smart phone app to warn the driver of unintentional lane departure using GPS technology
October 2024, MnDOT 2024-25
Driver Comprehension of Flashing Yellow Arrows
December 2023, MnDOT 2023-42
Guidelines for safer pedestrian crossings: Understanding the factors that positively influence vehicle yielding to pedestrians at unsignalized intersections
June 2023, MnDOT 2023-24
Impact of Speed Limit Changes on Urban Streets
June 2023, MnDOT 2023-22
Multi-city study of an engineering and outreach program to increase driver yielding at signalized and unsignalized crosswalks
March 2023, MnDOT 2023-11
Validating an Objective Roadside Tool to Assess Driver Fatigue
May 2020, CTS 20-07
Teen Driver Support System Technology Transfer
July 2019, CTS 19-24
Directional Rumble Strips for Reducing Wrong-Way-Driving Freeway Entries
February 2018, CTS 18-04
Field Implementation of Direction Rumble Strips for Deterring Wrong-Way Entries
July 2019, CTS 19-22
Improvement of Driving Simulator Eye Tracking Software
June 2019, CTS 19-14
Older Driver Support System Field Operational Test
May 2019, CTS 19-13
HumanFIRST Driving Simulation Educational Development
May 2019, CTS 19-11
Developing and Validating a Model of Left-Turn Crashes to Support Safer Design and Operations
September 2018, CTS 18-18
In-Vehicle Dynamic Curve-Speed Warnings at High-Risk Rural Curves
March 2018, MnDOT 2018-12
Older Driver Support System (ODSS) Usability and Design Investigation
January 2018, CTS 18-01
Risk Evaluation for In-vehicle Sign Information
May 2016, MnDOT 2016-18
The Influences of the Hiawatha LRT on Changes in Travel
Behavior: A Retrospective Study on Movers
November 2015, CTS 15-10
Teen Driver Support System (TDSS) Field Operational Test
November 2015, CTS 16-04
Human Factors of Vehicle-Based Lane Departure Warning Systems
June 2015, MnDOT 2015-35
Impact of Exempting the Recording of Low Level Speed Violations in Minnesota
February 2015, CTS 15-01
Effect of Signing and Lane Markings on the Safety of a Two-Lane Roundabout
January 2014, MnDOT 2014-04
Estimating the Crash Reduction and Vehicle Dynamics Effects of Flashing LED Stop Signs
January 2014, MnDOT 2014-02
A Pilot Study on Mitigating Run-Off-Road Crashes
July 2013, CTS 13-23
Bus Driver Intersection Task Analysis: Investigation of Bus-Pedestrian Crashes
January 2013, CTS 13-04
Monitoring the Use of HOV and HOT Lanes
January 2013, CTS 13-07
Snow Rendering for Interactive Snowplow Simulation - Supporting Safety in Snowplow Design (January 2013)
January 2013, CTS 13-02
Integrated Approach for Nonintrusive Detection of Driver Drowsiness
October 2012, CTS 12-32
Accessibility, Network Structure, and Consumers' Destination
Choice: A GIS Analysis of GPS Travel Data and the CLUSTER
Simulation Module for Retail Location Choice
October 2012, CTS 12-14
Investigating the Effectiveness of Intelligent Lane Control Signals on Driver Behavior
August 2012, MnDOT 2012-22
Identifying Issues Related to Deployment of Automated Speed
July 2012, CTS 12-23
Smartphone-Based Travel Experience Sampling and Behavior Intervention among Young Adults
May 2012, CTS 12-11
Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance System -- Stop Sign Assist: Experiments to Validate Use of an In-Vehicle Interface Design
April 2012, CTS 12-09
Connected Vehicles Program: Driver Performance and Distraction Evaluation for In-vehicle Signing
March 2012, CTS 12-05
Usability Evaluation of a Smart Phone-based Teen Driver
Support System (TDSS)
May 2011, MnDOT 2011-13
Real-Time Nonintrusive Detection of Driver Drowsiness - Phase II
December 2010, CTS 10-16
The Interactions between E-Shopping and Store Shopping: A Case Study of the Twin Cities
August 2010, CTS 10-12
Application of a Rural Safety Policy Improvement Index
(RSPII) Framework
June 2010, CTS 10-07
Comparison of Dual-Phase and Static Changeable Message
Signs to Convey Airline Information on Interstate Freeways
January 2010, Mn/DOT 2010-02
Development and Evaluation of a Cellular Phone Based Teen
Driver Support System
September 2009, CTS 09-22
Social Networks and ICT in Location Choice
August 2009, CTS 09-19
Real-time Nonintrusive Detection of Driver Drowsiness
May 2009, CTS 09-15
Feasibility of a Quantitative Rural Safety Policy Improvement Index (RSPII): Phase I
May 2009, CTS 09-14
Places and Networks: The Changing Landscape of Transportation and Technology Final Summary Report of the STAR-TEA 21 Project
December 2008, CTS 08-15
The Implications of Current and Emerging Privacy Law for ITS
December 2008, CTS 08-26
Places and Networks: The Changing Landscape of Transportation and Technology
October 2008, STAR-TEA 21 Summary
Generational Perspective on Teen and Older Drivers on Traffic Safety in Rural and Urban Communities
September 2008, Mn/DOT 2008-36
Effects of Alcohol on Motorcycle Riding Skills
December 2007, DOT HS 810 877
Driving Performance During 511 Information Retrieval: Cell Phone 2
November 2007, Mn/DOT 2007-48
Driving Performance During Cell Phone Conversations and Common In-Vehicle Tasks While Sober and Drunk
October 2005, Mn/DOT 2005-41
Human Factors Evaluation of Gains, a Prototype In-Vehicle Navigation System
April 1999, Mn/DOT 1999-14
Design Issues Related to Road Tunnels
December 1997, CTS 97-05
Variable Message Signage Content: Survey Test of Meaning and Simulation Test of Usability
September 1997, CTS 97-03
Retroflective sheeting materials on highway signs
February 1996, Mn/DOT 1996-07
Human factors evaluation of driver multitasking and genesis message formats
February 1996, Mn/DOT 1996-13
Travel Behavior, Gender, and Social Class in the Twin Cities
September 1995, Wyly-1995
Lighted guidance devices : intelligent work zone traffic control
June 1995, Mn/DOT 1996-05
Report on programmatic evaluation at the Human Factors Research Laboratory
March 1995, Mn/DOT 1995-13
Interaction of non-driving tasks with driving
February 1995, Mn/DOT 1995-20REV
Empirical Bayes identification of high hazard locations for older drivers final report
October 1994, Mn/DOT 1995-23
Human Factors Issues In Traffic Signing
August 1994, CTS 94-33
Following advice from traffic advisories
July 1994, Mn/DOT 1994-29
Trace driven driving simulation : towards integration of external lab with simulator and the integrated study of microscopic and macroscopic problems in IVHS : emulation of the I-394 external laboratory in a driving environment
June 1994, Mn/DOT 1994-23
The Left Turn
October 1993, 1993 Left
The Use of Driving Simulation for the Assessment, Training and Testing of Older Drivers
January 1990, HFRL/NIA 90-91
Active and Completed Projects
Rural Intersection Enhancement and Driver Behavior Study
Real-time marginal cost estimation for eco-routing navigation guidance
Behavioral Investigation of Temporary and Permanent Pedestrian Infrastructure
Identification and Assessment of Preventative Methods to Mitigate Cognitive and Physical Declines Which Influence Driving Performance of Older Drivers
Assessment of Pedestrian Safety and Driver Behavior Near an Automated Vehicle
Development of a Smart Phone App to Warn the Driver of Unintentional Lane Departure using GPS Technology
Pedestrian Engineering and Enforcement at Signalized Intersections
Impact of speed limit changes on urban streets
Guidelines for safer pedestrian crossings: understanding the factors that positively influence driver yielding to pedestrians at unsignalized intersections.
Driver Comprehension of Flashing Yellow Arrows
Effectiveness of Teenage Driver Support System (TDSS) on Reducing Traffic Violation Behaviors for Teenage Drivers at the Early Time of Licensure
Validating an Objective Roadside Tool to Assess Driver Fatigue
Field Implementation of Direction Rumble Strips for Deterring Wrong-Way Entries
Improvement of Driving Simulator Eye Tracking Software
Older Driver Support System (ODSS)
HumanFIRST Driving Simulation Educational Development
In-vehicle Dynamic Curve Speed Warnings At High Risk Rural Curves
Teen Driver Support System (TDSS) Technology Transfer
Collaborative Consumption in Peer-to-Peer Car Sharing: Models, Analysis, and Experiments
Older Driver Support System (ODSS) Usability and Design Investigation
Examination of Driver Performance and Distraction with In-Vehicle Signing
Examining the Impact of ASE in Work Zones on Driver Attention
Driver Behavior in Left-Turn and Other Two-Vehicle Crashes
Impact of Exempting Low-Level Speed Violations
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of ATM Messages Used During Incidents
Human Factors of Vehicle-Based Lane Departure Warning Systems
Analysis of the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) 2 Naturalistic Driving Study Data
Impacts of Minnesota's Primary Seat Belt Law
Identifying Issues Related to Deployment of Automated Speed Enforcement - FY12 TechPlan
Teen Driver Support System (TDSS) Field Operational Test
Mitigating Run-Off-Road Crashes: Multimodal Interventions
Bus Driver Intersection Task Analysis: Investigation of Bus-Pedestrian Crashes
Field Study of Driver Behavior at Flashing Yellow Arrow vs Green Ball Permitted Left-Turn Indications
Effect of Signing and Striping on the Safety of a Two-Lane Roundabout
Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance System (CICAS) -Stop Sign Assist: Field Operational Test, ABA Study, and Vehicle Infrastructure Study Conclusion
Investigating the Effectiveness of Intelligent Lane Control Signals on Driver Behavior
Intellidrive for Safety, Mobility, and User Fee Project: Driver Performance and Distraction Evaluation
Consumer Travel Behavior and Retail Geography: A Microscopic Investigation Using GPS Data and Parcel-Level Land Use - FY11 TechPlan
Smartphone-Based Travel Experience Sampling and Behavior Intervention among Young Adults (UbiActive Phase I) - FY11 TechPlan
Monitoring the Use of HOV and HOT Lanes
BECS Collaborative Research: Modeling the Dynamics of Traffic User Equilibria Using Differential Variational Inequalities
Integrated Approach for Nonintrusive Detection of Driver Drowsiness - FY11 NATSRL
Estimating the Crash Reduction and Vehicle Dynamics Effects of Flashing LED Stop Signs
An Evaluation of a Prototype Safe Teen Car
Snow Rendering for Interactive Snowplow Simulation: Improving Driver Ability to Avoid Collisions when Following a Snowplow - FY10 NATSRL
Comparison of Dual-Phase and Static Signage
Smartphone Based Novice Teenage Driver Support System
BRIDGE: Behavioral Response to the I-35W Disruption: Gauging Equilibration
Substitution between E-shopping and Travel: Evidence from the Twin Cities- FY09 Tech Plan
Real-time Nonintrusive Detection of Driver Drowsiness - Phase II - FY09 NATSRL
Investigation of Policy-Based Statewide Safety Measure Quantification
SGER: Responding to the Unexpected: Understanding Travelers' Behavioral Choices in the Wake of the MS River Bridge Collapse
Development and Evaluation of a Second Generation In-Vehicle Driver Assistance for Teenagers to Facilitate a Reduction in Crash Rates
The Effect of Nystagmus and Albinism on Driving
The Implications of Current and Emerging Privacy Law for ITS - FY08 TechPlan
The Role of Social Networks and ICT on Destination Choice - FY08 TechPlan
Real-time Non-intrusive Detection of Driver Drowsiness - FY08 NATSRL
Generational Perspectives on Teen and Older Drivers on Traffic Safety in Rural and Urban Communities
The Use of Video Feedback in Urban Teen Driving
Motorcycle Riding Impairment at Different BAC Levels
Studying the Needs of the Transportation Disadvantaged: Elderly and Developmentally Disabled
In Vehicle Driver Assistance for Teenagers
Driving Simulator for Persons with Impaired Cognition
Travel Behavior Impacts of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)