Future of Mobility: Telecommuting policies need to ensure wider benefits


What’s next in transportation? In Telecommuting: The Pandemic’s ‘Silver Lining’ May Have a ‘Touch of Gray,’ U researchers say the massive move toward working from home has created a situation where downtowns are struggling and low-income and minority workers have been left behind—similar to what happened when the interstate system was built in the 1960s. Policy innovations are needed that will guarantee today’s “new normal” is more beneficial, for more people, than what happened then. For example, regular-route services used by low-income essential workers need to be supported while investments are made in shared and micro-mobility services in less densely populated areas.

The Future of Mobility series collects the perspectives of top U researchers and other national experts. Authors scan the horizon, reflect on critical transportation topics, and recommend action steps for public officials and policymakers.

—Pam Snopl, CTS senior editor 


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