Measuring Travel Happiness in Shenzhen: Framework and Application.

Principal Investigator(s):

Yingling Fan, Associate Dean for Faculty, Humphrey School of Public Affairs

Project summary:

Despite a great leap forward in the development of transportation infrastructure in Shenzhen in the past several decades, many infrastructure improvements are intended to address car traffic, improve traffic speed, and reduce traffic congestion. Little attention has been paid to people's travel experiences in the city. There is no existing data that can help to understand the connections between people's travel behavior and their happiness. This study aims to fill an important gap in Shenzhen's transportation planning efforts. By developing a framework to measure travel happiness of Shenzen residents, the study will help to understand the connections between travel behavior and happiness and help to identify human- and happiness-oriented transportation planning approaches that move beyond the traditional car- and speed-centric transportation planning approaches.

Project details: