Urban Transportation
Research Reports
| Active and Completed Projects
Research Reports
Impacts of Highway and Transitway Construction on Nearby Businesses (Research Brief)
December 2023, CTS Research Brief 2023-02
The Effects of Highway Improvement Projects on Nearby Business Activity
August 2023, MnDOT 2023-30
Impact of Speed Limit Changes on Urban Streets
June 2023, MnDOT 2023-22
COVID-19 Implications on Public Transportation: Understanding Post-Pandemic Transportation Needs, Behaviors, and Experiences
November 2022, CTS 22-08
Commercial Gentrification Along Twin Cities Transitway Corridors
May 2022, CTS 22-02
Estimation of Metro Freeway System Reliability and Resilience
February 2022, MnDOT 2022-01
Estimation of Metro Freeway System Reliability and Resilience: Appendices
February 2022, MnDOT 2022-01A
Transitway Impacts on Nearby Roads; Park-and-Ride Choices (Research Brief)
August 2021, CTS Research Brief 2021-04
A Toolkit for Community Engagement in Transitway Planning (Research Brief)
August 2021, CTS Research Brief 2021-02
Addressing Accessibility and Equity Along Transitways: Toward a Mixed-Methods Toolkit - Part 2
March 2021, CTS 21-05
TIRP Digital Engagement Platforms Spreadsheet
March 2021, CTS 21-05 spreadsheet
Impact of Transitways on Travel on Parallel and Adjacent Roads and Park-and-ride Facilities
January 2021, CTS 21-03 and MnDOT 2021-03
Local Contributions to State and Regional Transportation Facilities in Minnesota
May 2020, MnDOT 2020-12
Visualizing Transportation Happiness in the Minneapolis - St. Paul Region
March 2020, CTS 20-05
Challenges and opportunities of autonomous vehicles to
urban planning: Investigation into transit and parking
October 2019, CTS 19-30
Task 10: Long Range Transportation Trends
April 2019, ABC-Task 10
Task 12: ABC Ramps Outreach and Marketing Plan
April 2019, ABC-Task 12
Task 2: History of ABC Ramps
April 2019, ABC-Task 2
Task 3: Corridor Review - Current and Planned
April 2019, ABC-Task 3
Task 4: Demographics of the ABC Ramps
April 2019, ABC-Task 4
Task 5: Travel Demand Management Landscape
April 2019, ABC-Task 5
Task 6: Regional Stakeholder Transportation Goals
April 2019, ABC-Task 6
Task 9: Encouraging Carpooling, Biking, and Transit Use at the ABC Ramps
April 2019, ABC-Task 9
Task 8: Policy, Ordinance, Statute and Guidance Review
April 2019, ABC-Task 8
The ABC Parking Ramps in Minneapolis: A Unique Past. A Visionary Future.
March 2019, MnDOT 2019-13
METRO A Line increases transit capacity and ridership without slowing traffic (Research Brief)
March 2019, CTS Research Brief 2019-03
Task 13: Transportation Options Implementation Plan
March 2019, ABC-Task 13
After Study of the Bus Rapid Transit 'A Line' Impacts
December 2018, CTS 18-24_MnDOT 2018-35
Task 11: Stakeholder Engagement Summary Report
August 2018, ABC-Task 11
Access Across America: Transit 2017
June 2018, CTS 18-12
Access Across America: Transit 2017 Methodology
June 2018, CTS 18-13
Access Across America: Auto 2016
April 2018, CTS 18-08
Access Across America: Transit 2016 Methodology
November 2017, CTS 17-08
Traffic Impacts of Bicycle Facilities
June 2017, MnDOT 2017-23
When and How Much Did the Green Line LRT Increase Single-Family Housing Values in St. Paul, Minnesota?
May 2017, 10.1177/0739456X17707811
Access Across America: Transit 2015
December 2016, CTS 16-09
Access Across America: Auto 2015
September 2016, CTS 16-07
The Impacts of Transportation Investment on Economic Growth in the Twin Cities
June 2016, CTS 16-11
Student Pass Program Provides Educational, Economic, and Societal Benefits (Research Brief)
February 2016, CTS Research Brief 2016-01
Assessing the Impacts of Student Transportation on Public Transit
December 2015, Metro Transit 2015
Access Across America: Walking 2014
May 2015, CTS 15-03
Access Across America: Walking 2014 Methodology
May 2015, CTS 15-04
SmarTrAC: A Smartphone Solution for Context-Aware Travel and Activity Capturing
February 2015, 2015 SmarTrAC
Rural and Small Urban Multimodal Alternatives for
November 2014, MnDOT 2014-42
Access Across America: Transit 2014
September 2014, CTS 14-11
Access Across America: Transit 2014 Methodology
September 2014, CTS 14-12
Innovative Parking Pricing Demonstration in the Twin Cities: Introducing Flexibility and Incentives to Parking Contracts
February 2014, CTS 14-02
Nice Stations: An Exploration of Nice Ride Bike Share
Accessibility and Station Choice
February 2014, CTS 14-03
Access Across America: Auto 2013
April 2013, CTS 13-20
Transportation Impact of Transitways: A Case Study of Hiawatha
Light Rail Transit in Minneapolis
March 2013, CTS 13-13
Ridership and Pedestrian Impacts of Transitways: A Case Study of Hiawatha Light-Rail Transit in Minneapolis (Research Brief)
March 2013, CTS Research Brief 2013-01
Research Implementation of the SMART SIGNAL System on Trunk
Highway (TH) 13
February 2013, MnDOT 2013-06
Access to Destinations: Annual Accessibility Measure for the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area
November 2012, MnDOT 2012-34
Vehicle Probe Based Real-Time Traffic Monitoring on Urban Roadway Networks
October 2012, CTS 12-35
How Affordable is Transportation?: A Context-Sensitive Framework (Research Brief)
March 2012, CTS Research Brief 2012-02
Dynamics of Cross-Sector Collaboration: Minnesota's Urban Partnership Agreement from Start to Finish
February 2012, CTS 12-04
Development of Freeway Operational Strategies with IRIS-in-Loop Simulation
January 2012, MnDOT 2012-04
Deployment of Practical Methods for Counting Bicycle and Pedestrian Use of a Transportation Facility
January 2012, CTS 12-01
Rationale for Funding a Feasibility Study for an Automated
Rapid Transit Application in the Twin Cities
September 2011, MnDOT 2011-17
Funding China's Urban Infrastructure: Revenue Structure and
Financing Approaches
May 2011, CTS 11-10
The Urban Partnership Agreement: A Comparative Study of
Technology and Collaboration in Transportation Policy
April 2011, CTS 11-07
Study of Public Acceptance of Tolling with New Capacity and
Credits: Concepts of FAST Miles and FEE Lanes
July 2010, Mn/DOT 2010-27
I-394 Phase II Planning Study
July 2010, CTS 10-08
Impacts of the Hiawatha Light-Rail Line on Commercial & Industrial Property Values in Minneapolis: A Transitway Impacts Research Program (TIRP) Research Brief
July 2010, CTS Research Brief 2010-03
Impacts of the Hiawatha Light Rail Line on Commercial and
Industrial Property Values in Minneapolis
June 2010, CTS 10-05
Examining the Impacts of Residential Self-Selection On Travel Behavior: Methodologies and Empirical Findings
October 2008, CTS 08-24
Generational Perspective on Teen and Older Drivers on Traffic Safety in Rural and Urban Communities
September 2008, Mn/DOT 2008-36
Asking the Right Questions About Transportation and Land Use: Access to Destinations Research Summary No. 1
March 2007, CTS 07-03
Minnesota Value Pricing Outreach and Education
October 2006, MnDOT 2006-38
Access to Destinations: Development of Accessibility Measures
May 2006, MnDOT 2006-16
Paths Through the Forest: Factors that Influence Transportation Corridor Success
January 2004, 2004 Corridor
St. Paul Central Corridor Study: Pierce Butler Industrial Redevelopment Parkway
December 2003, CTS 03-08
Design/Development Principles for Livable Suburban Arterial Roadways
June 2001, MnDOT 2001-17
Linking Light Rail Transit to the City: Six Neighborhood Station Districts
August 1999, MnDOT 2000-01
Bus Amenity Corridors: Shaping and Reshaping the Metropolitan Area by Designing for Bus Use
March 1995, RTB-1995
Commuter linkages among counties in the Twin Cities and greater Minnesota
September 1993, Mn/DOT 1994-02
Urban Congestion Reduction for Energy Conservation: Control Strategies for Urban Street Systems: A State of the Art: Final Report
January 1988, CTS 1988
Active and Completed Projects
Assessment of Travel-Time Reliability and Operational Resilience of Metro Freeway Corridors
Assessing the Effects of Highway Improvements on Adjacent Businesses
Transitway Development and Commercial Gentrification
Impact of speed limit changes on urban streets
COVID-19 Implications on Public Transportation: Understanding Post-Pandemic Travel Behavior Decision-Making Process among Downtown Minneapolis Commuters
Addressing Accessibility and Equity along Transitways (Design)
Managing the Growth of Last-mile Deliveries and Curb Space Demand
Impact of Transitways on Travel on Parallel and Adjacent Roads and Park-and-ride Facilities
Evaluation of Metro Freeway System Reliability and Resilience
Evaluating the Impact of Local Expenditures on State and Regional Transportation Facilities
Evaluation of Multimodal Transportation Networks through Shared Mobility Systems
Examining the challenges and opportunities of autonomous vehicles to urban planning
Urbanism Next
Connecting the Smart-City Paradigm with a Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Systems Framework to Advance Equity in Communities
After Study of the Bus Rapid Transit 'A Line' Impacts
Measuring Travel Happiness in Shenzhen: Framework and Application.
ABC Ramps Transportation Options
ABC Ramps Transportation Options
Green Line LRT and Housing Price
SRN: Integrated Urban Infrastructure Solutions for Environmentally Sustainable, Healthy and Livable Cities
The Impacts of Transportation Investments on Economic Growth in the Twin Cities
Assessing the Impacts of Student Transportation on City Buses and Trains
Traffic Impacts of Bicycle Facilities
SmarTrAC: A Smartphone Solution for Travel and Activity Capturing
Sensing for HOV/HOT Lanes Enforcement
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of ATM Messages Used During Incidents
I-35E MnPASS Extenstion Land Use and Transit Enhancement Study
Demand Focused Smart Energy Management in End User Environments for Sustainable Cities
Multimodalism for Small Cities
NiceStations: Optimally Locating NiceRide Minnesota Bike Share Stations
Determination of Effective Impervious Area in Urban Watersheds
Annual Accessibility Measure for the Twin Cities Metropolitan Region
Evaluating Twin Cities Transitways' Performance and their Interaction with Traffic on Neighboring Major Roads
Transportation, Environmental, and Health Impacts of Transitways: A Case Study of the Hiawatha Line
Viability and Benefits of Automated Rapid Transit for Minnesota
Deployment of Practical Methods for Counting Bicycling and Pedestrian Use of a Transportation Facility
Research Implementation of the SMART-Signal System on TH13
Personal Rapid Transportation Forum
From Start to Finish: Cross-Sector Collaboration and the Urban Partnership Agreement - FY10 TechPlan
Development of Freeway Management and Operational Strategies with IRIS-In-LOOP Simulation
How Affordable is Transportation? An Accessibility-Based Evaluation
Vehicle Probe Based Real-time Traffic Monitoring on Urban Roadway Networks
Innovative Parking Pricing Demonstration Project - Phase II
Linking Transportation Initiatives with Urban Design Options: The University-Cedar Avenue Station
Study of Public Acceptance of Tolling Credits
Value-added: Impacts of the Proximity to Transitway Stations on Commercial Property Values
Minnesota UPA Telework Component
The Urban Partnership Agreement: A Comparative Study of Technology and Collaboration in Transportation Policy Implementation- FY09 Tech Plan
Value of Reliability
III-CXT: Spatio-temporal Graph Databases for Transportation Science
Generational Perspectives on Teen and Older Drivers on Traffic Safety in Rural and Urban Communities
Examining the Impacts of Residential Self-selection on Travel Behavior: Methodologies and Empirical Findings
The Use of Video Feedback in Urban Teen Driving
I-394 MnPASS: Enforcement, Planning, Outreach and Education
Rural and Urban Safety Cultures
Urban Development Effects on Runoff and Receiving Stream Temperatures
In-Depth Examination of Urban Corridor Development
Minnesota Value Pricing Outreach and Education
Major Transportation Systems, the Space In Between and Livable Cities
Design/Development Principles for Livable Suburban Arterial Roadways
Linking the LRT to the City: The Hiawatha Districts
Using Transportation to Recycle, Revitalize, and Reconfigure the Post Industrial City
North I-35W Corridor Study
Bus Amenity Corridors: Structuring Transit Friendly Cities and Suburbs