Intensive Septic System Research

Principal Investigator(s):

Sara Heger, Adj. Assistant Prof., Rsrch Assct, Water Resources Center

Project summary:

This project is an addition to current research between the University of Minnesota (UM) Onsite Sewage Treatment Program and the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) Water Services Unit. During the evaluation of the MnDOT septic system facilities, numerous additional research areas arose and are now being evaluated in this project. The first objective of this project is the continuation and expansion of automated, field-based verification of groundwater mounding and water levels to estimate the influence of larger wastewater treatment systems on groundwater systems. The second objective is to evaluate chemicals of emerging concern from three to five safety rest areas and one land application site. The third objective is to characterize and compare the microbial communities among soil treatment areas and unaltered soils from the same site. The last objective is to develop a reuse system design along with plans and specifications for a truck wash down-water at the Arden Hills Truck station for brine production.

Project details:

  • Project number: 2019016
  • Start date: 06/2018
  • Project status: Completed
  • Research area: Environment and Energy
  • Topics: Environment