Raphael Stern

headshot of Raphael Stern
Assistant Professor
Civil, Environmental, and Geo- Engineering


Dr. Raphael Stern's research interests are in the area of transportation cyber-physical systems, specifically how they relate to vehicle automation and smart infrastructure. He is particularly interested in the modeling and control of traffic flow using autonomous vehicles as Lagrangian actuators in the flow and the possibility of next-generation traffic state estimation using sensors on vehicles embedded in the flow.
Stern received his BS (2013), MS (2015), and PhD (2018) degrees in civil engineering from the University of Illinois. He has spent time as a visiting scholar at the Institute for Pure and Applied Math at the University of California Los Angeles and at the Institute for Software Integrated Systems at Vanderbilt University. Prior to joining the faculty at the University of Minnesota, Stern was a postdoctoral researcher at the Technical University of Munich.