Rajesh Rajamani’s research interests include intelligent transportation systems, autonomous vehicles, sensors, and control system design. At the University of Minnesota, he is currently the Benjamin Y.H. Liu-TSI Endowed Chair Professor and Associate Director (Research) of the Minnesota Robotics Institute. Rajamani has co-authored more than 185 refereed journal papers and is a co-inventor on 20 patents/ patent applications. He is the author of Vehicle Dynamics and Control, which is a popular book that receives more than 500 citations each year.
Rajamani is a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and has been a recipient of the CAREER award from the National Science Foundation, the Ralph Teetor Award from the Society of Automotive Engineers, the O. Hugo Schuck Award from the American Automatic Control Council, the Charles Stark Draper Innovative Practice Award, and a number of best paper awards from journals and conferences.
Several inventions from Rajamani's laboratory have been commercialized through start-up ventures co-founded by industry executives. One of these companies, Innotronics, was recently recognized among the 35 Best University Start-Ups of 2016 in a competition conducted by the US National Council of Entrepreneurial Tech Transfer. Rajamani obtained his MS and PhD degrees from the University of California at Berkeley and his BTech degree from the Indian Institute of Technology at Madras.