Utility Coordination Implementation - Phase II

Principal Investigator(s):

Cheri Marti, Former CTS Associate Director, Center for Transportation Studies

Project summary:

A thoughtful implementation strategy plays an important role in the successful adoption of the new utility coordination process. The implementation of the new MnDOT utility coordination process affected existing roles and responsibilities of MnDOT personnel, consultants, utility owners, local agencies, and contractors involved with utility coordination. Consequently, unforeseen implementation issues were expected to surface as MnDOT began to apply the new utility coordination process. The MnDOT Utility Coordination Implementation Scoping Project: 1) expanded communication outreach to utility owners through distribution of an information packet; 2) launched and coordinated the MnDOT Utility Coordination Implementation Team to scope implementation needs and develop a final implementation plan to recommend to MnDOT senior management; and 3) developed a proposed Utility Dispute Resolution Strategy for uncooperative utility owners.

Project details: