Trade Centers of the Upper Midwest-A 1998 Update

Principal Investigator(s):

Barbara Lukermann, Former University Researcher, Humphrey School of Public Affairs

Project summary:

The 1989 Upper Midwest Trade Centers study by the University's Center for Urban and Regional Affairs was found to be a useful document for policy makers and managers in both the public and private sectors. It is viewed as a valuable resource for MnDOT's state plan. This project will update the 1989 study using August 1998 data and applying the same analysis format used in the 1989 study. It will measure change in the hierarchy of cities for 7 states using levels 0 through 5. The analytical report will focus on changes within the Minnesota hierarchy using the 7 state averages and thresholds for a city to move with the levels as the basis for change.

Project details:

  • Project number: 1998021
  • Start date: 10/1998
  • Project status: Completed
  • Research area: Planning and Economy
  • Topics: Economics, Planning

Reports or Products: