National Research Study on Transportation Technologies for Sustainable Communities

Principal Investigator(s):

Lee Munnich, Senior Fellow (Retired), Humphrey School of Public Affairs

Project summary:

The proposed research project follows several previous transportation research projects conducted by the State and Local Policy Program at the University of Minnesota. The project is an extension of the findings of a previous study entitled "Transportation and Information Technologies for Sustainable Communities" which is currently being conducted for MnDOT to review the implications of environmental sustainability on ITS and other transportation technology developments. The purpose of the proposed study is to review the implications of environmental sustainability on national transportation technology development and will include case studies and community dialogue in three cities representing different regions of the nation. Applications of the findings may include development of emissions management systems, improvements in the public involvement process related to the development and deployment of ITS, and identification of potential pilot projects for ITS and community sustainability.

Project details:

Reports or Products: