Principal Investigator(s):
Curtis Craig, Research Associate, Mechanical Engineering
Nichole Morris, Director, Human Factors Safety Lab, Mechanical Engineering
Project summary:
Dedicated right-turn lanes reduce traffic delays on urban roads and typically result in a reduction in motor vehicle crashes for both urban and rural roadways. However, the impact of dedicated right-turn lanes on pedestrian safety is relatively understudied. The objective of this project is to study the relationship between right-turn lanes, pedestrian safety, and pedestrian crash risk. The safety consequences to pedestrians will be assessed by looking at available research, crash data, and observable human behavior in right-turn lanes both on urban roads in Minnesota and in a safe, simulated environment. This study will add value by fostering livable communities through developing recommended guidelines for the installation of right-turn lanes that incorporate/consider their impacts on pedestrian safety.
Project details:
- Project number: 2022018
- Start date: 06/2021
- Project status: Active
- Research area: Safety and Mobility
- Topics:
Pedestrian, Safety