2012 Truck Weight Enforcement Training Program

Principal Investigator(s):

Jim Grothaus, Former Sr Dir, Tech Assist, Center for Transportation Studies

Project summary:

In 2008 and 2009, the legislature enacted major changes to long-standing truck weight regulations. As a result, many local agencies created an option to "permit" heavier loads on local routes. As industry members learned of these options, they pressured local road authorities to issue permits. However, some local road authorities have no enforcement tools. Local agencies rely on local enforcement officers to enforce the weight laws and make sure the new permits are in compliance by the industry. As a result of both the successful education program and new legislation changing weight laws and permitting possibilities by local agencies, this enforcement training project was initiated. The objective of this project is to provide truck weight training resources to local agency law enforcement, explaining current legislation and statutes in a manner that makes law enforcement officers comfortable in initiating truck weight enforcement. Instructors will use a customized syllabus to deliver the training. Training exercises will use on-site trucks to demonstrate correct weighing techniques in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. CTS will work with the instructors to provide up to 150 hours of post training on-site technical support to assist agencies with questions or concerns regarding weighing.

Project details:

  • Project number: 2012062
  • Start date: 04/2012
  • Project status: Completed
  • Research area: