Directional Rumble Strips for Reducing Wrong-Way-Driving Freeway Entries


Albert Luo, Chuan Guo, Siyuan Xing, Yeyin Xu, Siyu Guo, Chuanping Liu

July 2019

Report no. CTS 19-25

This report presents evaluation results of directional rumble strips (DRS) designed to deter wrong-way (WW) freeway entries. Mathematical models have been built to identify high-risk locations of WWD. Based on the model, one off-ramp, exit 41 northbound on I-70 was found to have a WW entry probability of 55%. 96 hours of video data were recorded at the chosen off-ramp. Then one pattern of DRS (D3) was implemented on the chosen location with the help of the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). Sound and vibration data were recorded and compared between RW and WW directions for speed ranging from 15 mph to 30 mph. Another 96 hours of video data were recorded after the implementation. The analysis of before and after implementation data showed that the DRS cannot reduce the probability of WWD, but it can warn WW drivers and reduce their speed, which will significantly reduce WWD accidents.

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