CTS publishes proceedings of conferences, workshops, and other events sponsored or facilitated by the Center. These documents are available for download in Acrobat PDF format.
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Strategic Visioning Workshop for Automated Vehicles
Strategic Visioning Workshop for Automated Vehicles in Minnesota summary report (PDF)
June 25-26, 2018, Minneapolis, Minnesota
This report summarizes a strategic visioning workshop that helped to define a framework for deploying AV technologies in Minnesota.
Freight and Logistics Symposium
Freight and Logistics Symposium home page
- Twenty-first Annual Symposium (PDF)
Dec. 7, 2018 - Discussion addressed freight, connected and automated vehicles, data privacy, and cybersecurity. - Twentieth Annual Symposium (PDF)
Dec. 1, 2017 - Discussion addressed how e-commerce and the on-demand economy is revolutionizing the movement of freight from one end of the supply chain to the other. - Nineteenth Annual Symposium (PDF)
Dec. 2, 2016 - Discussion addressed freight and supply-chain challenges and opportunities at the global, national, regional, and state level in a changing public and private environment. - Eighteenth Annual Symposium (PDF)
Dec. 4, 2015 - Discussion focused on leveraging Minnesota's strengths to confront future freight and logistics challenges. - Seventeenth Annual Symposium (PDF)
Dec. 6, 2013 – Discussion centered on the seamless and uninhibited flow of goods from manufacturers and markets to those who want them—the "gravity" of logistics. - Sixteenth Annual Symposium (PDF)
Dec. 7, 2012 –Discussion focused on the effects of new energy sources—such as shale and natural gas—on Upper Midwest transportation networks and goods movement. - Fifteenth Annual Symposium (PDF)
Dec. 2, 2011 –Discussion focused on the effects of global economic change on freight and logistics providers. - Fourteenth annual symposium (PDF)
Dec. 3, 2010 –Discussion focused on the economics of sustainable practices on the transportation industry. - Thirteenth annual Symposium (PDF)
Dec. 4, 2009 –Discussion focused on the economic recession and its recovery, and how it will alter supply chain practices. - Twelfth annual Symposium (PDF)
Dec. 5, 2008 –Discussion focused on fluctuating energy costs, economic uncertainties, and sustainable energy practices. - Eleventh annual Symposium (PDF)
Nov. 30, 2007 – Discussion focused on national transportation policy, transportation infrastructure, ports, railroads, biofuels and agricultural byproducts, and transportation education. - Tenth annual Symposium (PDF)
Dec. 1, 2006 – Discussion focused on innovations in supply chain management and transportation from the environmental perspective, with topics including packaging, technology advancements in alternative fuels and vehicles, as well as future environmental scenarios. - Ninth annual Symposium (PDF)
Dec. 2, 2005 – Topics include freight mobility, transportation system capacity, and the economic challenges ahead, as well as how logistics costs affect corporate decision making, and emerging supply-chain and infrastructure approaches to capacity challenges. - Eighth annual Symposium (PDF)
Dec. 3, 2004 – Topics include the changing landscape of transportation, public- and private-sector views of the future of trucking, the effects of those challenges on other transportation modes, and the implications of technology on the future of trucking. - Seventh annual Symposium (PDF)
Dec. 5, 2003 – Topics include resolving conflicts between freight-oriented industries and communities over land use, jobs, and traffic, as well as the latest news on national transportation funding reauthorization efforts. - Sixth annual Symposium (PDF)
- Dec. 6, 2002 – Discussion of economic concerns, post-September 11 security measures, congestion, infrastructure innovations, public- and private-sector responsibilities, the development of a regional air-cargo facility, and the projected state budget shortfall.
- Fifth annual Symposium (PDF)
Dec. 7, 2001 – Topics include security and economic concerns, infrastructure deterioration, growing congestion, and the possible development of an intermodal air cargo facility in or near the Twin Cities. - Fourth annual Symposium (PDF)
Sept. 11, 2000 – "Impacts of Logistics on the Upper Midwest Economy." Rising congestion levels, global e-commerce, growing consumer demands, impending regulation.
Access to Destinations Study
Access to Destinations home page
- 2007 Access to Destinations Conference Proceedings (PDF)
- 2004 Access to Destinations Conference Proceedings (PDF)
CEO Leadership Forum
2006 CEO Leadership Forum: Advancing Practice in State DOTs from Good to Great" Summary Report (PDF)
September 24-25, 2006, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Proceedings of a conference conducted by CTS in association with AASHTO, FHWA, and TRB, with funding support from NCHRP. View program and briefing papers on the CEO Leadership Forum Web site.
Oberstar Forum on Transportation Policy and Technology
- 2008: The Next Authorization: Transforming Transportation Policy? (PDF)
- 2007: Our Nation's Transportation Infrastructure: Heading Toward a Crisis? (PDF)
- 2006: Transportation Choices: The Important Role of Walking and Biking (PDF)
- 2005: The Future of Transportation Finance: 'Gas Tax Plus' and Beyond (PDF)
- 2004: Transportation in Rural America: Challenges and Opportunities (PDF)
- 2003: Intermodal Transportation: The Potential and the Challenge (PDF)
- 2002: How Should Transportation Change after September 11? (PDF)
Conference on Community-Based Transportation
- 2003: Second Conference on Community-Based Transportation: Designing a System for Minnesota (PDF)
- 2001: Conference on Community-Based Transportation: Improving Access for the Transportation-Disadvantaged (PDF)
Other events
Personal Rapid Transit Workshop: A Summary Report (PDF)
August 18, 2010, Minneapolis, Minnesota - The purpose of this workshop was to share responses to the Minnesota Department of Transportation?s request for PRT information and to allow participants to understand PRT benefits and barriers to its implementation. Workshop participants also discussed next steps in exploring the viability of PRT in Minnesota, including principles to guide PRT service implementation, financing options, and organizational and governance approaches. The workshop was a follow-up event to the PRT International Forum held by Mn/DOT on November 17, 2009, in Rochester, Minnesota.
Personal Rapid Transit Informational Forum: A Summary Report (PDF)
November 17, 2009, Rochester, Minnesota - Due to growing interest in PRT, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT) brought together PRT companies and policymakers at a November 2009 forum to discuss the potential of PRT in Minnesota and beyond. CTS hosted the workshop for Mn/DOT.
Congestion in the Twin Cities – Who's Paying the Price? (PDF)
Nov. 28–29, 2000 – Workshop to explore congestion issues and discuss market-based or value-pricing solutions for the region.
Getting There: Building Ideas for a Better, Smarter Transportation System (PDF)
April 11, 2002 – Summit sponsored by the Minnesota Public Radio Civic Journalism Initiative, the Minnesota Historical Society, and the Center for Transportation Studies and State and Local Policy Program at the Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs.
Getting There from Here: Views on the Financing and Future of Transportation (PDF)
November 27, 1995 and December 5, 1995 – A Policymaker's Forum on Innovation Transportation Financing and a Luncheon Presentation on the Private Provision of Mobility Services.