Development of a Workshop on Automated Vehicle Technologies
July 2019,
CTS 19-23
HumanFIRST Driving Simulation Educational Development
May 2019,
CTS 19-11
Cone Penetration Test Design Guide for State Geotechnical Engineers
November 2018,
MnDOT 2018-32
Best Practices for Addressing Youth Employment and Training Transportation
June 2018,
MCOTA 18-01
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Volunteer Driver Programs: Minnesota Case Studies
August 2017,
MCOTA 17-03
Volunteer Driver Programs in Minnesota: Benefits and Barriers
February 2017,
MCOTA 17-02
Project Delivery Workforce Management Review (NCHRP 20-07/Task 205)
June 2007,
NCHRP 20-07 Task 205
2006 CEO Leadership Forum: Advancing Practice in State DOTs from Good to Great: A Summary Report
December 2006,
Minnesota Snow and Ice Control: Field Handbook for Snowplow Operators
August 2005,
Manual number 2005-01
Qualitative research regarding transportation studies programs at the University of Minnesota
April 1992,
CTS 9211-410