Operation of Transportation Data Center at TDRL: Data Acquisition and Archiving of Large Scaled Transportation Data, Analysis Tool Devel. And Data Support - FY05 NATSRL

Principal Investigator(s):

Taek Kwon, Former Professor, UMD-Electrical Engineering

Project summary:

This collection of reports details projects completed in fiscal year 2004-2005 at the Transportation Data Research Laboratory (TDRL). First, an archiving technique referred to as the Unified Transportation Sensor Data Format (UTSDF)--which allows simple management of large-scaled Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) sensor-generated data--is described. UTSDF was used for the development of a Data Center (DC) at TDRL. Next, data imputation algorithms to estimate missing data are presented. These algorithms were created during the process of developing an automated online Automatic Traffic Recorder (ATR) and short-count data system for the Office of Traffic Data & Analysis (TDA) at MnDOT. Utilizing the archived loop data, TDRL also developed a detector fault identification algorithm and software. This algorithm and test results are reported. Another project report involves cross-utilization of Road Weather Information System (RWIS) and traffic data. Several analysis approaches were developed to analyze the actual data. The analysis approaches used and findings are reported. Another project report involves development of a Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) Probe. This probe was developed as a diagnostic tool for MnDOT's current WIM systems and is based on a MnDOT problem statement. It is used for identification of signal anomalies and data verification. The details of this project are reported.


Project details:

  • Project number: 2005019
  • Start date: 07/2004
  • Project status: Completed
  • Research area: Transportation Safety and Traffic Flow
  • Topics: Data and modeling