Factors Affecting Biological Recovery of Wetland Restorations


Susan Galatowitsch, Rich Lehtinen, Rachel Budelsky, Diane Whited, John Mulhouse, John Tester, Anne Capistrant

June 1999

Report no. MnDOT 1999-25



The study focused on the following questions: to what extent can revegitation stimulate overall biological recover in isolated restoration sites? Researchers used aspects of ecosystem unction and structure to characterize recovery rates in planted and unplanted restored sites relative to one another and to reference wetlands, as well as indices of biotic integrity for plants, invertebrates, birds and amphibians in addition to other indicators of ecosystem structure, such as soil organic matter and water chemistry. Researchers developed field protocols, created biotic indices, and established baseline monitoring on each site including an as-build topographic survey installation of groundwater and surface water stations, characterization of soils, vegetation, and vertebrates. A long-term monitoring system is now in place that will allow for assessment of ecosystem recovery of seven restored wetlands relative to four reference wetlands.

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