Environmental Hazard Assessment For Transportation Related Chemicals: Development of a Decision Support Tool - USERS GUIDE


Mehran Monabbati

February 2004

Report no. MnDOT 2004-14G



USERS GUIDE for software of related report, 2004-14. The computer-based model performs risk assessment on two levels: the distribution and concentration of chemicals in water, sediment, soil, and air are estimated and compared to benchmarks set by regulatory agencies; based on this information, estimates of chemical intake by aquatic and terrestrial wildlife are used to assess potential adverse health effects over their lifetime. The decision tool measures 28 volatile and semi-volatile chemicals and 11 metals emitted by vehicles that may pose a risk to birds and mammals through inhalation, and ingestion of food and water. To be protective of effects on the health of wildlife population, the toxicological benchmarks used are those applied to growth, development, and reproduction.

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