Lessons from shuttle project helping shape future of AVs

White goMARTI minivan parked at a curb

Since October 2022, five self-driving shuttle vans in Grand Rapids, Minnesota—with onboard operators for safety—have offered free, on-demand rides as part of the Minnesota Autonomous Rural Transit Initiative (goMARTI). This pilot project is a collaborative effort between multiple stakeholders and partners to conduct a first-of-its-kind demonstration of self-driving shuttles in a rural setting.

At a December 6 CTS webinar, “Unlocking Autonomous Transportation Potential: Key Insights from the goMARTI Shuttle Pilot,” the project’s leaders shared key lessons learned and how these could help shape the future of autonomous transportation.

Speakers Frank Douma with the U of M, Justin Johnson and Tammy Meehan Russell with The PLUM Catalyst, and Thomas Johnson-Kaiser with MnDOT shared the challenges and opportunities of integrating autonomous vehicles as a rural mobility option, passenger safety and accessibility considerations, and real-world data on ridership and performance.

The pilot found that goMARTI is successfully filling previously unmet transportation needs in the Grand Rapids community. The service is available to those who are unable to drive, including young people and those with mobility challenges. goMARTI also provides a reliable form of transportation for the entire community and helps educate residents about connected autonomous vehicles.

Although the first 18-month goMARTI pilot demonstration is complete, the program (and the learning opportunities it offers) has been extended due to a grant from the USDOT’s Federal Highway Administration awarded through the Minnesota Department of Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation.

The webinar was sponsored by CTS’s Transportation Planning and the Economy Research Council and Transportation Safety and Mobility Research Council.

—Amy Friebe, CTS senior editorial manager


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